29 Juni 2008

Skype SMS sending functionality on Linux

Somehow skype front end on linux doesn't provide interface for sending sms, it isn't a problem on Skype distribution for Windows. Here a nice explanation about sending sms with skype on linux .
Following the link of necessary tools and library it successfully works. Here are what you need:
1. skype client of course
2. skype credit of course
3. Skype4Py. You need root privilege for installation
4. because Skype4Py uses python, sure you need python. You need ctype as well. you can depend on synaptics for these library(I use debian ;^).
5. Command-line tools for Skype , more info in http://www.oberle.org/skype_linux_tools/

File skype_tools-0.11.tar.gz contains:
Hopefully you can learn something from these files.

Ok, it should be done, run ./send_sms.py +62811ESPANA campeone Euro2008
A warning will be popped up from skype client, like this. Yes and it should be done.

For ctype you can use phyton-ctype:
Python package to create and manipulate C data types ctypes is a ffi (Foreign Function Interface) package for Python. ctypes allows you to call functions exposed from dlls/shared libraries and has extensive facilities to create, access and manipulate simple and complicated C data types in Python - in other words: wrap libraries in pure Python. It is even possible to implement C callback functions in pure Python.

18 Juni 2008

beautiful typograph and layout

It is common to see a nasty typograph and layout on an amateur paperwork. Amateurs tend to think that they can do everything, from the content, layout, typograph, even the colour and illustration. I remember when an owner of a software enterprise which was doing project in a state ministerial office insisted to put his own logo design as an opening/welcome screen of the official website of the minister office, my friend commented "Garuda Terbakar/Burned Garuda". The logo was Garuda Pancasila with red background. These smart ass actions became common when WYSIWYG(What You See Is What You Guess) editing tools are widely available. Everybody thinks to be a designer; typographer and layouter. Everybody think that design is simple matter.
Go back to writing paper work. Actually for someone who doesn't know about design matter it would be better to follow given styles or template, no need to be creative, or the result will be a nasty annoying work that can make the reader/audience's eyes turn red.
My suggestion as fellow amateur:
A. Presentation and Blog:
1. Use template
2. Don't do any significant 'creative' vandalism on the template

B. Paper report
1. Use template
2. Use LaTEX, anyhow this tool is still the best typesetting tool, you can compare which one is better among springer published books, Pearson, Prentice-hall and so on. And take a look what is the system they used for typesetting. Hail Donald E. Knuth!

Sample of nice template for report available on springer's site. There are available on several mainstream editor file format.

Little tutorial on llncs using LaTEX:
1. get llncs.cls.tex, it is a class file
2. get typeinst.zip, it contains sample file of llncs class. You can read the .tex file inside to learn llncs usage.

16 Juni 2008

kekayaan seorang dosen

Wah kalo melihat ini sepertinya menarik juga jadi dosen... hehehe.
Lihat sumbernya dari mana:
1. pinjaman bank dan koperasi
2. bantuan orang tua
romantik kali...
gimana nyicilnya ya yang pinjaman bank itu?

Rp1,1 Milyar~80.000€~$10.000, kaya juga, sapa bilang jadi dosen itu miskin...
Interval waktunya juga [a\ ]gak lama, 18 tahun, eh ini lama ya?

[ditulis saat nonton jerman vs austria yg membosankan]

14 Juni 2008

SKB Tiga Menteri ttg Ahmadiyah

Wah saya ketinggalan banyak berita dalam minggu ini. Alhamdulillah SKB tiga menteri ttg Ahmadiyah akhirnya diterbitkan juga, meskipun bias dan moderat.
Berikut ini isi dari SKB tersebut:
1. Memberi peringatan dan memerintahkan untuk semua warga negara untuk tidak menceritakan, menafsirkan suatu agama di Indonesia yang menyimpang sesuai UU No 1 PNPS 2005 tentang pencegahan penodaan agama.

2. Memberi peringatan dan memerintahkan bagi seluruh penganut, pengurus Jemaah Ahmadiyah Indonesia (JAI) sepanjang menganut agama Islam agar menghentikan semua kegiatan yang tidak sesuai dengan penafsiran agama Islam pada umumnya, seperti pengakuan adanya Nabi setelah Nabi Muhammad SAW.

3. Memberi peringatan dan memerintahkan kepada anggota atau pengurus JAI yang tidak mengindahkan peringatan tersebut dapat dikenai sanksi seusai peraturan perundangan.

4. Memberi peringatan dan memerintahkan semua warga negara menjaga dan memelihara kehidupan umat beragama dan tidak melakukan tindakan yang melanggar hukum terhadap penganut JAI.

5. Memberi peringatan dan memerintahkan kepada warga yang tisak mengindahkan peringatan dan perintah dapai dikenai sanksi sesuai perundangan yang berlaku.

6. Memerintahan setiap pemerintah daerah agar melakukan pembinaan terhadap keputusan ini.

TIDAK ADA kata-kata tentang PELARANGAN Ahmadiyah?
Pemerintah ragu-ragu, ataukah memang mengacu pada peraturan sebelumnya yang mengatakan bahwa Ahmadiyah sudah dilarang jadi tidak perlu disebutkan kata-kata pelarangan Ahmadiyah lagi?

Maaf, mungkin opini saya tentang FPI salah :^(.

Dasar Hukum Pelarangan Ahmadiyah di Indonesia

Setelah mencari2 dan tidak ketemu, Alhamdulillah akhirnya secara tidak sengaja ketemu juga, di derap.net.
Berikut ketetapan/keputusan tentang Ahmadiyah:
  1. SK Menteri Kehakiman RI No JA / 23 / 13 tertanggal 13 Maret 1953, SK ini melegalkan Ahmadiyah. SK ini yang sering dipasang pada papan nama organisasi dan mesjid2 ahmadiyah. Selanjutnya SK ini dicatat dalam Tambahan Berita Negara RI No 26 tanggal 31 Maret 1953.
  2. Perpres No 1 Tahun 1965 tentang Penodaan Agama dan KUHP Pasal 156a tentang Penistaan Agama. Peraturan ini MELARANG Ahmadiyah.
  3. Peraturan-peraturan tingkat daerah yang MELARANG: SK Kejari Subang, Jabar, Tahun 1976, SK Kejati Sulsel Tahun 1977, SK Kejari Lombok Timur Tahun 1983, SE Dirjen Bimas Islam, Depag, Tahun 1984, SK Kejari Sidenreng, Sulsel, Tahun 1986, SK Kejari Kerinci, Jambi, Tahun 1989, SK Kejari Tarakan, Kaltim, Tahun 1989, SK Kejari Meulaboh, Aceh Barat, Tahun 1990, SK Kejati Sumut Tahun 1994, SKB Muspida Kuningan, Jabar, Tahun 2003, SKB Muspida Bogor, Jabar, Tahun 2005

Mengingat SK Menteri Kehakiman yg melegalkan diterbitkan tahun 1953 dan Perpres yang melarang diterbitkan tahun 1965, jelas bahwa saat ini Ahmadiyah adalah ajaran dan organisasi TERLARANG. Jadi pemerintah harusnya tinggal menjalankan aksi pelarangannya saja, tunggu apa lagi. Kalau masih berpikir lagi ya musti cabut dulu itu Perpres No 1 th 1965, atau bikin aturan lagi yg melegalkan Ahmadiyah.

13 Juni 2008

Let's Get Rocked

I can't stand not to write an entry about this video clip, youtube is great! It was in my 5th or 6th year of elementary school, when I could only watch TVRI, musik 10, music mancanegara, mancagita or whatsoever. In that age the clips was very sophisticated; 3D animation with a couple of computer stuff, black-white screen with number, graph and 3D character wireframe. It was early '90, maybe 1992. You can have them all in a $100 PC today.
Few years later, when I studied in junior high school, Def Leppard released their compilation album, Vault, with a new single When Love and Hate Collide. Not so long after that a brand new album was released, Slang, that accompany me during World Cup 1996. It was an unforgettable story, germany won the game with Klinsmann as the star, but I forget where it was.
That was the age of casette recording. I've never had them, they belong to my junior high school mate, Reza, who collects many Def Leppard ancient albums and vast collections of recording from his parents generation. His music collection strongly poisoned my taste, even until now that I think have no significant improvement since then.
Fortunately it was not the age of MP3, so there's no crime of illegal copying, just borrowing..for looooong time..until sometimes I forgot to give it back, I'm a cute paracyte. Then played them on my 'hi-fi' audio systems that looked similar to A.S.N.F radio of Man of Honor movie. Sorry it was not 'hi-fi', it was truly a hi-fi, high fidelity audio systems that the sound can be refine by changing the capasitors or resistors to achieve affordable treble and bass balance, I loved it!

11 Juni 2008

Lapindo Drilling caused Mud Disaster!

Sciencedaily.com news about Lapindo disaster in Sidoarjo is really nice. It strengthens Rudi Rubiandini's statement that blame Lapindo for the disaster. It would be an uppercut for BPPT mind boggling statements.

The scientific reported is compiled from works of UC Berkeley and Durham University. I think a academic institution is more sincere than any mercenary such as BPPT or even independent examiner. The work exactly conclude the statement as Rudi Rubiandini's claim, it is about casing that should protect the borehole. A statement of Prof Davies from Durham:
“We are more certain than ever that the Lusi mud volcano is an unnatural disaster and was triggered by drilling the Banjar-Panji-1 well.”
Somehow I do not agree on "Lusi"(Lumpur Sidoarjo) terms, it made a public amnesia that the evil was Lapindo, so say it Lumpur Lapindo instead.

May God give strength and courage for all the victim of this Lapindo Mud Disaster.

10 Juni 2008

Syntactic, Gramatical and Semantics

A short discussion about world language made me realized that Javanese language has move a step further than it fellows other language. Instead of bugging on gender, syntactic, conjugated verbs, and gramatical tenses, Javanese moves onto higher order level that concerns on semantics.
Analogous to programming language, isn't it? The better the language it will concern more on semantic than syntactic.
Sometimes I think what is the purpose of this gender, conjugated verb, and tenses? However tenses do not give precise time value, it is merely give an indication of already done, still in progress or will be done and many other mindboggling combinations. More over in fact for a precise meaning, a sentence must be equipped with time indication eventhough it has use tenses already, so what is the purpose of the tenses? Not every stuff has complete lattice of male and female, so why use gender noun?

Here are some example which are I often heard:
janur gunung. Janur is tunip of coconut leaves, it colour usually yellow, and used as decoration in many javanese ritual occasions. Gunung is mountain. So what is meant? The meaning is very far from those words. Since in the mountain usually there's no coconut tree that usually grow on beach, but there is a tree which is similar to, Aren. Aren has similar leaves to coconut, and it also has janur. This "aren" will form the meaning, "kadingaren" which mean more less occasionally+surprising, actually I cannot find the exact meaning in english. Usage example: Lha kok njanur gunung to Le, malem minggu sinau? "What the hell happened, you are studying in week end?
Other similar formed term is nglemah bengkah, sorry for forgetting many other. These terms are like puzzle, you must solve it and than find a corresponding possible meaning.

More beautiful words composition which are formed sophisticated pronounciacion sound easily found in "cakepan gending" (lyrics) or wayang (shadow puppets) characters conversation. Unfortunately they are not easy to be understood, particularly for Mtv generation and henceforth. Cruel competition to pursue life basic need, force young people to choose easier enjoyable entertainment and marginalizing ethnic culture which are harder to understand. Having learnt modern music for several months as long as you have money you can go to studio make a recording, and call your music as alternative genre. But having several years experience in classical ethnic music, you might got a judgement, "not enough good to be considered as bad". I think fancy language got the impact as well.
I think it is not their fault, but the failure of former generation to prepare a suitable condition. According to Maslow theorem, I think there are vast degradation of Indonesian people, from serving God, serving people into serving theirself. From serving their heart, head to serving their mouth, stomach and other physical amusement.

Actually it is not only Javanese, Minang and most Indonesian tribe language also have the same, but I'm not familiar with them. In Minang sophisticated language is usually used on special occasion such as marriage ritual and other ritual customs. Minang use their sophisticated language in a form of pantun which has particular rithm and word ending. And what about Indonesian? Actually Indonesian language try to enhance itself by any terms found in the daily life, they can be from mother tongue language terms or foreign terms. Yeah Indonesian in my opinion isn't a well formed language.

02 Juni 2008

goblok, dimanfaatkan atau memang mercenary?

Membaca penyerbuan FPI terhadap long march pendukung kebebasan beragama di monas membuat saya semakin yakin bahwa ada yang salah dengan FPI. Entah mereka memang bego, dimanfaatkan, atau mercenary.
Menurut penilaian saya peristiwa penyerbuan ini merupakan kemenangan besar kelompok yang diserbu, khususnya Ahmadiyah dan pendukungnya. Apalah arti puluhan orang luka-luka dibanding pencitraan oleh media bahwa Ahmadiyah adalah kelompok minoritas, tertindas dan live in danger. Jika memang ingin menekan pemerintah mengapa tidak bergerak dalam satu barisan dengan organisasi lain, apa sih artinya FPI?

Lihat sekarang apa hasil kebodohan FPI, bukannya tekanan buat pemerintah untuk membubarkan Ahmadiyah, tapi justru tekanan internasional kepada pemerintah yang lemah untuk bertindak sebaliknya.