23 April 2011

anthropology 101: javanese

Freshly from Obama’s Young Mother Abroad , "bitter" stuff about javanese though :D.
I shall not give any comment... time will reveal the truth

"And how Indo­nesian men like women to be easy and open abroad, but when you get to Indonesia, the parents are there, the family is there, you have to behave. You have to be the little wife. As a wife, you were not supposed to make yourself visible besides being beautiful."

“Don’t you know that you don’t argue and you don’t discuss with a Javanese person? Be­cause problems don’t exist with Javanese people. Time will solve problems.”

22 April 2011

45 minutes

This time measure often drag me into trouble. Often I thought that 45min is merely 30min plus few minutes, then I take it easy. Finally when the time exceeds a bit of 45min, it sounds like 1 hour, damn I'm late for 1 hour. From now on, I must think that 45min is a quarter to an hour instead of a quarter pass 30min.

Why inlander business rarely survive for generations?

Recently I develop my thesis on this matter. Mainly it is caused by the failure of hard working culture. In other word, the failure of parent to educate their children. Moreover it is rooted on the concept of ownership and trust. Parents cling their property so hard as private, so instead of giving responsibility to outstanding person to handle the company, they would hand it to their son or daughter, regardless their competence. This situation is worsened by the nature of distrust in the society, in which it is forcing people to hand their business to their close relatives only. Last but not least is the cripple law enforcement. These whole things construct a chronic insecurity, put people hopes in question and then in the end people draw a pragmatic conclusion, to secure their life and their family they have, reserve wealth and fortune for generations.

The culture of showing wealth or to be considered as successful person based on the appearance also contributes to the way how children get educated. Society view of success and happy people without considerinq the process to achieve them will influence the children's mind. In the end children will suffer of hardworking deficiency syndrome.


Unemployment rate among young people in this country is really scary, 42 percent. I wonder how the future of this country will be. Education is quite good, but vacancy is too low.

I think this is a picture of an unsynchronous connection between education and industry. This case somehow negate my claim that education should neglect market demand. But I'm sincerely sure that I'm not wrong, that's how education should be, the system in this country just has not met requirements to reach that point. Apparently they havent woke up from euphoria of economic blooming just after this country join european union. Maybe I should agree with my professor statement that it is not about the education, it's about economics. But somehow the system is correllated right?

Today I went to a going to be liquidated computer shop, which tries to sell whatever they have. Even though I never like this shop, somehow I feel sorry to them. How will the future of the employees be? I could feel their sadness, but they tried to be as professional as usual.

The view on second hand shop also depicts the same thing. A lot of professional production tools sold. Guess it is a sign of what. Even they sold their working equipment, how can they work?

Last week there was a demonstration of young people for a demand of certain future. A crowd of young 20-30 year tried to raise people conscience about what really happen and what it will be.

06 April 2011


Just seen this brand again on my way along Manzanares river, after a very long time. So it should be a good brand. When I was child my parents bought me an oyama bmx. Unfortunately this bike had pretty bad fate, immediately the accessories were broken and scratches everywhere. I think it was a bad idea to give a brand new good bike to a child who didn't know how to ride.

Engineer, be or ...

A very bitter writing on how american's best engineer offsprings are kidnapped by bankers and financial institutions. I think it occurs in my country as well, obviously. We've invested a lot to our best engineering students. Aagh, you can read the article for the details, "Friends Don’t Let Friends Get Into Finance".

Moreover unlike in US where best schools are private university, in my country best universities are public, thus the operational is burdening taxpayers. That's why we should feel more guilty than those American students. I've seen some friends who stick on engineering field, but apparently they are less fortune than the ones who jump into financial institution (at least from general people point of view).

Once we have short conversation with friends in the lab, then someone came up with a beautiful statement "If you're tired of being poor as researcher, you can go to those 'finance companies'".