31 Desember 2010


From a short lecture of this guy, which was very interesting, I tried to crawl internet further.
Taken from the site of weakmemory:
Multiprocessors are now dominant, but real multiprocessors do not provide the sequentially consistent memory that is assumed by most work on semantics and verification. Instead, they have subtle relaxed (or weak) memory models, usually described only in ambiguous (and sometimes flawed) prose, leading to widespread confusion.

Very scary short information. In fact processors specification which is written on their manual are usually written in obscured sentence, instead of in mathematical notation. There are several reasons for that, either they are simply bug, accommodating future changes or avoid patent infringement.

So the lesson from this is to make sure that your code is robust against this obscure features, particularly when you have to deal with critical software.

last posting on this year, and again about computer? what a pity!

12 Desember 2010

Urban Hiking

Yesterday we went hiking to Cercedilla. Very nice, particularly after this very tough week.

I learnt important quote. In hiking sometimes I should look back, watching beautiful scene that I've passed, that might be unseen when I moved advance. I may thankful for how far I have hiked and arrive to certain point, then finally conclude that I shall also reach the peak. However sometimes I should not force myself to reach the peak when there's a sign not to do so, for it may endanger myself or ruin the nature. I think life is just like that.

30 Oktober 2010

live in dignity

Recent months I learn more about living in "real" neighbourhood, particularly how the chinese live. I wonder how they can survive in this tough days, when even many spaniard cannot resist. Chinese live their life as merchant, small merchant of food particularly that try to provide daily needs for people who are too busy or lazy to go to the supermarket, or provide stuffs during holidays(yes, they're never closed, unless once during general strike). In the beginning I wonder how they live against cruel supermarket price and very small captive market, but they make it. Their price is more expensive so it is unlikely that people will buy something there unless they don't have any choice, this chinese shops are really helpful actually.

Unlike other immigrants ethnic, chinese live in dignity, live upon their own business. They live really tough life, instead of obtain cheaper reseller price, they merely shop in cheap supermarket with ordinary retail price, and carefully pick the items which are in discount or membership sale program. Once I examined how one of them shop, incredible!, they check each item which are listed on the sale program one by one, take them (sometime all of these sale item).

they're great.

14 Oktober 2010

Nice Lattice theorem tutorial


13 Oktober 2010

Configuration for 'optimal' eco performance linux on USB disk

It has been around 1 year I've been using my USB-disk linux installation as my main computing platform. Generally it is slow, particularly for writing. I even feel it runs much slower during shutdown. Just like general flash-disk devices, USB-disks have limited read-write lifetime, therefore I try to minimize any access to the disk. The idea is maximizing the usage of memory for read-write operations that occur very often.
Here are my configuration:

  1. /tmp. This directory is used for temporary read-write by default. I think in some distro this directory is put on memory by default when there are vast amount of memory. I also put the cache of favorite application there. Add a starting script on /etc/rcS.d/. Copy from one of it, change the name into Ssomething and modify the content as the following:


    . /lib/init/vars.sh
    . /lib/lsb/init-functions

    make_tmp() {
    #preparing /tmp
    mkdir /dev/shm/tmp
    chmod 777 /dev/shm/tmp
    #we also prepare the browsers cache
    mkdir /dev/shm/tmp/google-chrome
    chmod 777 /dev/shm/tmp/google-chrome
    mkdir /dev/shm/tmp/epiphany
    chmod 777 /dev/shm/tmp/epiphany
    case "$1" in
    # Using 'no !=' instead of 'yes =' to make sure async nfs
    # mounting is the default even without a value in
    # /etc/default/rcS
    Note: I usually use those two browser, haven't found out where are the cache of opera nor firefox/iceweasel.
  2. Swap file. Never ever use the flash disk as swap file/swap partition, I think it will shortened the lifespan of the disk a lot. I use my unused VGA memory as my swap file. The script is following. Note that sometime you need to run it twice, I don't know why.
    modprobe slram map=VRAM,0xc4000000,+0x0c000000
    modprobe mtdblock
    mkswap /dev/mtdblock0
    swapon /dev/mtdblock0
    swapon -s

  3. Installation cache and configuration (/var/cache/apt/) can be put on external disk and make a symlink to its proper directory
Warning: you must aware that having cache on memory may cause your computer runs out of memory, and using VGA card as swap file is unsafe.

14 September 2010

CUPS page size error on HP laserjet

From today's experience, I found that it might be caused by wrong PCL option. When I chose PCL6 the page size printed was only halfsized. But after I chose PCL4/5 it was OK.

Printing using command line is the following(watch out the CAPITAL P for specifying page!):
For two sides:
lp -d dest_print -o media=a4 -o sides=two-sided-long-edge -P 1-3 file.pdf

For two sides, each side two pages (for this setting the page numbering is strange, e.g. for printing page 1 to 8 you write -P 1-4, for 15-22 write -P 8-11, and the sides SHORT option is important to prevent having upside down pages):
lp -d dest_print -o media=a4 -o sides=two-sided-short-edge -o number-up=2  -P 1-4 file.pdf

23 Agustus 2010

Challenge of amd64

Last update: 22 Sept 2010, 1 Oct 2010, 2,4,17 Jan 2011, 1 Feb 2011, 25 March 2011

Succeed with installing 64 bit lenny on my computer, now I have many problem with this 64 bit. At first it was fun, that I had to compile or configure many things, which were not available as is. Now I'm deeply considering of moving back to 32 bit, even on the first day I've asked myself how long I will stand with this 64 bit stuffs. Today I get a bitter experience that I cannot compile a software platform on which I'm working on. The compiler run for hours, but a lot of trailing errors afterward.
The amount of time needed for compilation has discouraged me for doing further observation. I'd like to make it works actually. [Hi this platform uncompiled was not amd64 fault!]
Since the platform only compatible to 32 bit OS, I have to provide all the libraries
needed in 32 bit. Therefore instead of using synaptic debian package manager(which provides 64 bit libraries only by default), I have
to grab the library source code and then recompile it into 32 bit. Details are provided below under installing 32 bit library matter.
Note: many resources in internet about the trouble of linux 64 bit mostly a bit out of date. Lenny has fixed a lot of thing. One useful tips when we cannot find 64bit version of debian is just taking the 64 bit version of ubuntu, it works for me for skype.

Now let me list my footprints until I arrive here:

  1. Wireless, using iwlagn. Note that you must have access to the backport of lenny. If you don't have wired access you can also download the files one by one, and run dpkg -i packageName.deb
    Somehow you need to call ifconfig wlan0 up before calling iwconfig
  2. flash plugin was taking a very long way, until I found Debian Lenny 64 bit installation. It is really good. It points to How to get flash working in 64 bit. Follow the instruction! Just remember to download the keyring manually before touch the repository.
    Update: Adobe has just provided native 64 bit flash player plugin. Just untar and put the library on place
    cp libflashplayer.so  /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/

  3. Screen off just using vbetool from official repository
  4. skype, just grab ubuntu64 deb package from skype's website
  5. pidgin, need to compile the newest distribution from scratch. The binary from repository doesn't provide client for yahoo and msn messenger.
  6. Speaker. My speaker is mono (written as monaural to be cooler). It didn't output sound, even though the headphone jack is work perfectly. Following ubuntuforum about "Headphones work-no internal speaker sound?", I found that debian has a bit different configuration. Debian doesn't have /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf, instead it split it into /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base and another file /etc/modprobe.d/sound. I change the options on /etc/modprobe.d/sound from
    alias snd-card-0 snd-hda-intel
    options snd-hda-intel index=0
    alias snd-card-0 snd-hda-intel
    options snd-hda-intel model=laptop

  7. Compile latest kernel. It's supposed to fix backlight problem but gain nothing.
    Other thing I get is it "How easy it is to compile kernel". In newer kernel Intel wireless driver is given out of the box. Here the step for kernel compilation, an experience version of this instruction with a fix for lenny:

      Download the latest stable kernel from here
      Extract it
      Prepare/clean everything there. It will delete everything you put there

      make clean && make mrproper

      copy configuration file from /boot/. Its name is config-your-kernel-name. It is the most convenient way instead of create configuration from scratch.
      Name the new file as ".config"
      REFINE ".config"
      make menuconfig

      there should be ....coutinued...sorry I forgot some steps. There is a mandatory step to copy some generated code to the kernel source include folder. please look for it on internet.

  8. network manager. I got no luck with gnome network manager with lenny, unlike when I installed ubuntu. Fortunately there is wicd package that work out of the box. Give it a try if you have the same experience :^).

  9. Installing 32 bit library on it. It was a desperate effort, that finally turn into a hack. First install the 64 bit version as usual using synaptic. Then delete the 64 bit library. Afterwards put the 32 bit library on the same place as the location of deleted 64 bit, no need to copy the symlink, ldconfig will do it for you. Run ldconfig. voila! Here is the illustration. RESULT: program is compiled, but not run!
    kompie# ls /usr/lib|grep gsl
    kompie# rm /usr/lib/libgsl*
    kompie# ls /usr/lib|grep gsl

    All 64 bit libs have been deleted. Now put the 32 bit ones.

    kompie# cd gsl-1.0/
    kompie/gsl-1.0# cp .libs/libgsl.a /usr/lib
    kompie/gsl-1.0# cp .libs/libgsl.so.0.0.0 /usr/lib
    kompie/gsl-1.0# cp cblas/.libs/libgslcblas.
    libgslcblas.a libgslcblas.lai libgslcblas.so.0
    libgslcblas.la libgslcblas.so libgslcblas.so.0.0.0
    kompie/gsl-1.0# cp cblas/.libs/libgslcblas.a /usr/lib
    kompie/gsl-1.0# cp cblas/.libs/libgslcblas.so.0.0.0 /usr/lib/
    kompie/gsl-1.0# ls /usr/lib|grep gsl
    kompie/gsl-1.0# ldconfig
    kompie/gsl-1.0# ls /usr/lib|grep gsl
    Warning!!! All this hacking trick DID NOT work! Finally I do this following to compile my GSL library into 32 bit
    $ CFLAGS="-m32 -g -O2" LDFLAGS="-m32" ./configure i386

  10. Backlight control....again. Didn't get any luck from recompiling kernel, again a retried my with other driver module, now it is from Regis Prevot, watchout, the ssl configuration in your browser might be nasty. Just take panasonic_acpi.c and the Makefile. This driver was intended to be used with W7 and W7, that have DVD drive. Since mine is T-series I have to remove all DVD related code. I don't know if it was caused by my highly abusive kernel recompilation so the compilation related to DVD device was failed.

    Before loading the new driver, first I have to remove panasonic_laptop module, I dont know how to do it. So I do it brutally, remove the file from the kernel ;^(, then reboot. Run "depmod -a" to remove its entry as well. Finally run "modprobe panasonic_acpi" to load the new driver, this command will not succeed unless you remove the panasonic_laptop module.
    Result: The driver is succesfully loaded, but the screen back light is still inaccessible.

  11. Fullscreen problem with mplayer. It's only simple fix on xorg.conf, just add driver to the device.
    Section "Device"
    Identifier "Configured Video Device"
    Driver "intel"

  12. Touchscreen that haunted me from the beginning finally works pretty well. I use evtouch. Instead of using the installation from debian repository, I used the latest version (0.8.8) and compile it. A simple trick about the installation directory; by default it installs on /usr/local/lib/ but my X cannot find it, and I cannot find how to make it works. So I change the prefix entry on the Makefile, instead of /usr/local, I change it into /usr.

    The main issue with the driver from debian repository is its ability to act like mouse. It can only draw horizontal or vertical line.

    Here is my xorg.conf entry as the result of try and error calibration process:
    Option "MinX" "50"
    Option "MaxX" "3900"
    Option "MinY" "150"
    Option "MaxY" "4050"
    Note that the log from /var/log/Xorg.0.log has an entry "Setting screen physical size to 270 x 203"

  13. Screen rotation is pretty simple using xrandr. From shell just type:
     xrandr -o left

  14. Brightness, a success story :D. Just make sure you have "panasonic_laptop" module in your kernel. Run "depmod -a" to make sure everything properly listed, check using "lsmod -a", if not listed run "modprobe panasonic-laptop". Yup that's the preliminary.
    This is the most important thing, set the grub! Look for this similar line code on /boot/grub/menu.lst
    kernel /boot/vmlinuz- root=UUID-...-xxxx ro
    then change into [the "=" sign is not a cosmetic]
    kernel /boot/vmlinuz- root=UUID-...-xxxx ro acpi_osi=

    Voila brightness accessible trough:
    root# echo BRIGHTNESS > /sys/class/backlight/panasonic/brightness
    Note root access is mandatory, therefore we need to fix the acpi script ... where BRIGHTNESS value between 0 to 21
  15. I upgrade to Squeeze

  16. Still many things to go ...

07 Agustus 2010

Installing debian 64 bit on intel laptop from USB flash disk

First of all, in debian, 64 bit for ordinary intel processor is denoted as AMD64
instead of IA64, which is totally different architecture that is die casted
on unpopular intel Itanium processor only.

The procedure is quite simple.

  1. Use unetbootin to create a bootable usb disk debian linux installer. I personally
    suggest using [Distribution], then I choose "Debian" and "Stable_HdMedia_x64".
    After the process done, check whether /dev/sdX1 mountable. If not try to plug the stick off
    and plug it in again, hopefully it will be automounted. From this point forward
    I assume we can mount and write into /deb/sdX1, e.g. mount into /mnt/usb/

  2. Download debian-505-amd64-CD-1.iso from debian.org and copy the file into mount point
    of /dev/sdX1 (eg. /mnt/usb/). The installer is supposed to fetch this file from
    the network. But when we cannot configure our laptop to have internet connection
    this should help. Moreover the inetbootin can be configured in Windows!

We have a USB installer with full support from CD1 of debian lenny.

warning: this procedure is proven doesn't work for squeeze

20 Juni 2010

specification pattern

a very nice site about specification patterns to be verified using formal method :

16 Juni 2010

some useful daily scripts

Last update: 13 Feb 2011
I wrote several simple scripts to manipulate the content of files. Most of them are written in bash, but due to my lack of expertise sometimes I mixed bash with make, and perl. It will be very practical.. almost no explanation, but I'll try to gradually improve this article. Here are they:

  1. Find the files with specific content
    find . -type f -name "*.bash" -print0|xargs -0  grep -ne "keyword"

  2. Change certain content of files in batch manner. Just copy these script into a command.bash, and change the permission then run it (command filenamepattern old new)
    ./command.bash "tt*" tir ti
    The script:
    #echo "ls ${fname}"
    for mydataset in `ls ${fname}`; do
    echo "${mydataset}"
    cat ${mydataset} | sed -e "s/${old}/${new}/g" > ${tmpfile}
    mv ${tmpfile} ${mydataset}

  3. Delete a bunch of file
    If you have thousand of files, rm * will not work, therefore here is an alternative. Create a makefile with the following entry and call make clean.
    find . -name "*.log" -print -exec rm {} \;

  4. Creating tags for emacs
     find . -name "*.[chCH]" -print | etags -

    In case you have only few files
     etags file1 file2 ...
  5. Removing Hijriah calendar from islamicfinder.com praying timetable :). Often the hijriah date make me confuse and pick a wrong time. I do it in vi using this search and replace command.

  6. Cleaning carriage return/line feed (crlf) but left double crlf. I use this for formatting my latex style text file (which uses crlf extensively) before I upload it into blogger.
    cat fileinput |sed -n 'H;${g;s/\n/crlf/g;p}'| sed -n 'H;${g;s/crlfcrlf/\n\n/g;p}'| sed -n 'H;${g;s/crlf/ /g;p}' > file output

  7. Resize pictures/images, 1024 is the width
    mogrify -resize 1024 *.jpg
  8. Montage/combine/collate pictures into one
    montage *.jpg -tile 1x2 -geometry 1024 combine.jpg
  9. Convert  images into pdf
     mogrify -format pdf *.jpg
  10. Download Al-Quran ayats.
    # want to download albaqarah ayat 1 to 10
    # to download other ayat you must change this script accordingly
    # just to list the download commands
    #$ bash dlayat.sh 1 10
    # actually download
    #$ bash dlayat.sh 1 10 download
    if [ "${3}" == "download" ]
        echo download
    while [ $i -le  $j ] 
    if [ $i -lt 100 ] 
    if [ $i -lt 10 ]  
    if [ $download -eq 1 ]
        wget http://www.everyayah.com/data/Ghamadi_40kbps/002${padd}${i}.mp3
        echo wget http://www.everyayah.com/data/Ghamadi_40kbps/002${padd}${i}.mp3
  11. Converting raw images into jpg in batch manner
    #change the raw file extension accordingly
    for file in `ls ${thepath}*.CR2`; do
        ufraw-batch --out-type=jpg ${file}
  12. To be continued..

06 Juni 2010

service bagus telkom speedy

Hari itu pas hari minggu, hujan deras. Pas mau magrib internet gak jalan.
Telpon ke customer service telkom disuruh restart dsb, tapi tetap
saja tidak jalan. Akhirnya dijanjikan akan dicek ke rumah.

Sekitar jam 7 malam, beneran ada petugas yang datang, ngecek koneksi dsb.
Eh ternyata memang koneksi ADSL nya yang lepas di central stationnya.
Mas petugasnya nelpon temannya yg bagian jaringan dan akhirnya dibenerin
di centralnya.
Salut.. hari minggu malam2 hujan deras pula. Salut telkom speedy.

Sejauh ini hanya itu saja masalah yg terjadi, speed ke lokal baik2
selalu, sekitar 300kbps. Begitu ngakses di luar IIX.. mampus deh..
tapi masih acceptable. berikut screen shotsnya:

Ini speed waktu download package dari shol.vlsm.org

04 Juni 2010

laptop baru

Memang bukan "baru laptop", cuman axioo pico.

Diinstali linux ubuntu kemarin, trus hari ini ngurusin wirelessnya, mengikuti petunjuk di sini.
Wah ternyata wifi cardnya bukan intel, cuma Realtek, sama dengan LAN cardnya.
Ada masalah waktu perintah:
make install
ada error berkaitan dengan bounds.c. Untuk mengkompilenya diperlukan source linux, bukan hanya headernya saja. linux-source bisa diinstall lewat synaptics saja, boleh juga pake apt.
Extract file source linux tersebut, kemudian jalankan make install.
Ada sedikit "unsolved mystery" tidak bisa dijalankan dengan sudo make install. Tapi masuk
konsole root (bisa menggunakan sudo su) kemudian jalankan make install.

boca a lupo!

[catatan tambahan: ditulis dengan laptop baru ini]
  • wireless jalan, tapi harap hati2 kalau ingin beli, di manualnya ada seri dimana wifi adalah piranti optional
  • key panah terlalu kecil sering kepencet sampingnya, untung cuma tombol ctrl
  • tombol fn di pojok, cukup bermasalah buat yg suka pake ctrl di kiri. oooh emacs!
  • webcam jalan juga.. tanpa instalasi apapun
  • prosesornya support hyperthreading
  • suaranya kecil banget. semoga baik2 saja kalo pake headphone
  • tombol left & right click keras banget, kurang nyaman.

16 April 2010

Environment kills the mind

h o p e

This word apparently lost from today's vocabulary, or the meaning has been changed in such a very narrow way. The antecedent of this is terrible. No hope is caused by no believe. It is a disaster on "religious" society.

Living in such kind of society is really strange. They worship God, believe in him, but in the real life they act the contrary. Idealism is dead.

It's easier to go, it's so much easier to run.

But I won't run!

Given the choice between the experience of pain and nothing, I would choose pain. William Faulkner

23 Februari 2010

resistance is futile!

acer: asli cepat rusak.

That's really true. Zero, I got a dead pixel on the screen from the beginning. First, I got problem with the charger/adapter in less than six months, fortunately they gave me a new one, even though I had to threatened them with law suit because they said my adapter was fake. Second, I lost electricity on my battery. Third, it constantly hang due to horizontal position changing, that force me to treat my mobile laptop as portable desktop. Four, I plug the hardisk off and boot from a usb disk dongle, I made my hardisk as external hardisk until now. Five, I didn't boot at all. From the sound I suspected it might be the DVD/CD-ROM, since I didn't have any moving parts except the fan. So I plug the CD-ROM. This picture is the destructive result.

22 Februari 2010

e rosso

I saw a nice things on the road. It was red light when a woman with her son passed by ignoring it. Her son yelled protesting her "E ROSSO!" (en:It is red). The woman was mumbling something, but the child kept yelling "E ROSSO!" until I couldn't hear them. Education.

e d u c a t i o n !


This morning I bought some fish for nutrition upgrade. There was an old woman ordered a small slice of fish meat. It was expensive, so the woman said that she only want a small slice. Unfortunately the smallest slice is still quite big for her, and the vendor didn't want to cut it smaller. The woman protested and just leaved the shop, meanwhile the vendor has weighted, packed the fish and made the bill. Yes it happened, in europe.

glorious sarapan

sekul wadang, blendrang terong campur bung, kaliyan dadar tigan. sinambi midangetaken Romeo und Julia saking Peter Tschaikowsky, ingkang dipun asta dening Berliner Philharmoniker, dipun pandegani dening Herbert von Karajan, dalemipun pinggir margi celak bale dusun :D. 100% analog mboten ngagem bit/byte utawi transistor.

mangga dipun sekecakaken.

01 Februari 2010

asnf audio system

Reading posts on jimmyauw's blog send my memories back when I was child. I bought an amplifier kit for Rp20.000(around USD10), ready to plug without chasis and power supply. Rode bicycle to the town (yes I lived more less 10km outside the town) with Reza, who lived 3-4 km from my home. Now I'm wondering on how we made appointment without phone, sms nor email, it was beautiful day isn't it.
It was quite complete kit, preamp, tone control and power amp. I used a bare casette/tape deck as head unit, and two full range pioneer speakers(grab from my parents stereo set, hmm my parents were quite rich for they afforded to buy this precious portable stereo tape player). It was not very long until Reza generously gave his tape sharp walkman, I used it as my new head unit, it sound definitely better and louder.
The powersupply was 5Ampere trafo, quite big. I didn't assemble it together in a chassis since I need it to fed my head unit(fortunately there was 3V output to feed the walkman battery power). The chassis was half centimeter wooden multiplex and some coconut tree wood, painted red, never finish :(. The driver casing was made made from soft wood(kapuk), ex concrete construction works, painted contemporary also never finished. I almost forgot to mention that this two fullrange speaker was put in the same box! ok I admit it was dumb.
I got cursed by DIY project, modifications. As I remember I only did modification on single capacitor that change the tone higher or lower, given bigger capacity it went lower and vice versa.
Full range was not cool, I wanted extreme bass and treble. I went for one tweeter and one woofer, actually they weren't bought at the same time. Build the case using ex concrete construction works again. It was quite big and time consuming. I meant to build sub woofer actually, but finally it went to single channel of my stereo, and the other two fullrange went to other channel. Another blatant dumb.
It sounds, good? well everything is relative. This system filled days of my adolescence for couple(4-5) years. I think it was not the amp, the head unit was the most important.. thank Za :D.
Many casettes were played on it, as I remember only one was copied version, the rest were originals; Iwan Fals(a lot), P-Project(I knew their parodical songs version more than the originals), dewa19(all of their album), Def Leppard (a bunch of them), MLTR(yes we're chicks), Saigon Kick(sometime also kick out), Kenny G, SlanK, Oasis, Alanis Morissette, Green Day, Metallica, Sherina(when she was cute), and many more. Most of them were borrowed.
After some years in university I feel that I lost my respect to music, probably due to mp3 format that can be easily copied and pasted. I feel sorry for myself, I lost respect to what I loved. Practically I never bought a single song/album after I leave my fancy audio system.