26 Agustus 2013

laptop processor fan error solved

Followed up the first failed attempt to disassembling my laptop, finally I could fix the fan error. My friend actually did it :D, just by spraying high pressure lubricant into the fan motor. I also renewed the thermal paste that was totally dried.

At a slight sight my friend was able to determine the problem. He turned the fan, but it didn't spin continuously, only 1 rotation and stop. After the lubricant was sprayed, it spin longer up to several rotation. Incredible skill. Good bye noise!

error in primary group changing of debian

There is terrible problem with primary group changing in debian. When I unleashed this code
sudo usermod -g primgroup user
the shell doesn't respond. It looks like that it hangs. But when I tried on other shell, it says that it change nothing (so apparently the first command [the hang one worked]). Still it is a mistery! Furthermore when I tried to create a file, and check it using
 ls -l 
it still gave me the old primary group. Amazingly after I restart my computer, tadaaa, everything set up as expected. So? I don't know