29 Juni 2008

Skype SMS sending functionality on Linux

Somehow skype front end on linux doesn't provide interface for sending sms, it isn't a problem on Skype distribution for Windows. Here a nice explanation about sending sms with skype on linux .
Following the link of necessary tools and library it successfully works. Here are what you need:
1. skype client of course
2. skype credit of course
3. Skype4Py. You need root privilege for installation
4. because Skype4Py uses python, sure you need python. You need ctype as well. you can depend on synaptics for these library(I use debian ;^).
5. Command-line tools for Skype , more info in http://www.oberle.org/skype_linux_tools/

File skype_tools-0.11.tar.gz contains:
Hopefully you can learn something from these files.

Ok, it should be done, run ./send_sms.py +62811ESPANA campeone Euro2008
A warning will be popped up from skype client, like this. Yes and it should be done.

For ctype you can use phyton-ctype:
Python package to create and manipulate C data types ctypes is a ffi (Foreign Function Interface) package for Python. ctypes allows you to call functions exposed from dlls/shared libraries and has extensive facilities to create, access and manipulate simple and complicated C data types in Python - in other words: wrap libraries in pure Python. It is even possible to implement C callback functions in pure Python.

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