27 Oktober 2008

Will it fall below IDR1,000.00?

Today's IDX composite index hit IDR1,166.41. It has fallen almost 50% from last month's value. It seem everybody went silent, even an investing milist which I join is silent as well. Maybe everybody busy on determining whether they'll do cut loss or cut loss. The bruise is too deep to hold the pain. It seems that hold is not an option, since uncertaintity is shadowing all stock exchange around the world, and it seems that the most of the player is merely small time operators with limited fund.

Uncertaintity seems very clear meanwhile dollar rate for buy and sell have range more than IDR1,000.00. Here is the snapshot from Bank Mandiri.

To be frankly, I glad with this dollar price, the higher the better, in a hope that it will stimulate export, and it will became a natural barrier for imported product for entering this country. We must aware that since dollar is weaking againts yuan, "made in china" wont be competitive in America, therefore we could be the next target of these rubbish.

Back to the stock, what the hell happened actually? Is this composite value depicting the real value of the companies, so in past days it was cooked to make it valuable enough to pull foreign credit and investment?

22 Oktober 2008

embracing lenny

After a bitter experience of manually installing gtk+2, eventually I decided to use lenny distribution for upgrading my etch.
The manual installation was truly scary! compiling one by one the dependencies, and so does the installation using make. Finally my X11 was crashed and I must uninstall the library nervously hoping that everything going back well. A strange thing happened, I could log in as root, but not as regular user! I was really afraid that time, I was clueless since anything I did and read didn't solve the problem, until eventually a pointer telling about disk space solve it. Yes it was out of disk space in my /home directory.

Learning from that experience I tried to do the same using more integrated tools, synaptics. voila! I embrace Lenny, mixing the gnome and the mutant born, half etch and half lenny.

The most bitter thing is upgrading GTK2, which seems totally different from previous version.

19 Oktober 2008

graphic equation plotter for linux

We have notoriuous expensive bulky powerful Mathlab for this purpose actually, but we can also use gnuplot.
Here is the screenshot.

Therefore this the online graph drawing will be a history.

benvenuto in

15 Oktober 2008

Even the Economics Guru must keep himself learning

I don't believe that he is Vincent Lingga. One of super senior imminent economics journalist, editor and [founder?] of the most respectable Indonesian english newspaper.
Even, his own article was published as special report:
In the current era of globalized financial markets, it is almost impossible for us, including me, an economics reporter for the last three decades, to have the financial literacy necessary to understand complex investment securities like the Lehman's market-linked notes peddled by Citibank Indonesia.
Not only in his working newspaper, even Kompas wrote his name as well.
Sebagai nasabah Citigold, Citibank Jakarta, Vincent Lingga, tak merasa akan terjebak kerugian Rp 450 juta. Tanggal 15 September, hari kebangkrutan Lehman Brothers, mungkin salah satu hari tergelap yang akan selalu dia kenang.
I do really honour him for his frankness, even though bitter :(. It will be a very good lesson for everyone, especially the smart asses and economics ignorants. Terima kasih Pak Vincent!

in God we trust, not His creatures
in gold we trust, not its derivatives

09 Oktober 2008

totem video player trouble in iceweasel

Somehow totem video player is set as default video embedded player in iceweasel, but it is not powerful enough actually. After long time living with this trouble, finally it's solved. The idea came after I installed mplayer, a mighty media player.
The plugins are installed in /usr/lib/iceweasel/plugins/. But dont worry it's just an information.
Simply uninstall totem plugin library for iceweasel totem-mozilla, and then install mplayer plugin mozilla-mplayer.

what is model checking?

courtesy of Edmund M. Clarke

it's a cool DOF, isn't it?


gitu dong..

Setelah idx disuspend gara2 IHSG turun 10% pemerintah merencanakan membeli saham2 BUMN! Baru tahu kalau kayak gitu namanya buyback. Bagaimanapun BUMN punya arti strategis buat bangsa ini. Milik negara gitu, dibangun dengan darah dan air mata(paling ndak galian kabelnya dimana2 yang bikin orang cilaka tanpa pernah protes). Hidup SBY deh! Jangan kayak me-gawat-i yang dulu malah menjual Indosat, sial bener bangsa ini. Konon indosat dijual 5T di 2004 kepada singtel oleh kroni me-gawat-i, via Laksamana Sukardi ex ketua IA-ITB(sebaiknya namanya di-jenang abang jadi Laksamana Sugali). Kemudian pada tahun indosat 2008 dijual singtel ke Qatar(Qtel) 16T. Gubrak! 4 tahun untung 200% si singtel! Si Mbak Gawat ini dulu dapat apa sih dari singtel? Karena masih suasana lebaran kita juga harus berbaik sangka, mungkin juga mbak Gawat ini dimanfaatkan orang2 sekelilingnya, jadi seperti lakon "Limbuk dadi ratu" .

Take this sinking boat and point it home we've still got time!

03 Oktober 2008

is it true?

Yes it is!

More comics can be found here,http://www.phdcomics.com/


Long long time ago...

This is the face of semantic web technology, left.

Nowadays it become like this, below right.

It's right that there one thing that constant in this world c h a n g e!
Even in an imminent computer science standardization organization, this change happens. In only four years, the layers are changed!
Imagine if TCP/IP layers are changed! Internet goes doom!

But in my opinion everything went smoothly, the old layer structure is such a guidance or template that ready to refined. I've learnt OWL in the old time, and it become standard now. In that time there were several other that had the same functionality as OWL, but since OWL was developed by W3C, it become standard for current layer.

by the way, it's an interesting artefact.