28 Februari 2011

Good Bye Lenny, I've got squeeze

last updated: 1,2 May 2011

Hopefully Squeeze will solve problems on my lenny, yes indeed.
Installation was done smoothly. Faster booting and shutdown. At first there are still problem with brightness and touchscreen to work together, but lenny trick on manipulating grub loader works perfectly, and anything else just perfect. Even sleep and hibernation features that were unsolved in lenny, now work flawlessly.
Now my laptop is just like an expensive laptop should be.

  1. Warning: probably terrible bug on my BIOS. The touchscreen does not work unless it is in working state in windows. Weird no?

    My computer arrived with windows XP professional installed. I don't want to remove it because I want to be able to play some oldskool game during my happy university life. Once I boot my windows sometimes the touchscreen doesn't work. Then I have to reboot it and by chance it work. Before I boot my linux, I have to make sure that the touch screen is working state in windows.

    Rumour says that there are bugs in Windows Vista related to the BIOS, then the BIOS manufacturer accommodate this bug and change the correct implementation of the BIOS into something wrong.
    Yup it is definitely an ill fate design.
    Update: I was wrong. It was caused by additional input device that shift the device numbering N on /dev/input/eventN. However the BIOS rumour is not wrong.

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