27 Desember 2008

Christmas morning train

Several days ago I took morning train to go back from a holiday trip. It was 06.30 am to 07.00 am, two days before Christmas. The train stop at every station, it is such kind of regional train. In some small station before the town many students (elementary till senior highschool) get on the train.

Somehow I felt so proud of them, that time the sun was not even rise, sunrise would be one hour later. They are great students. I felt my childhood is nothing compare to theirs. Some glimps of my pass suddenly hit my mind, until it was broken by a beautiful moment across my seat. A pretty little girl received some gifts from her fellow friends. She smiled beautifully that made her looked more beautiful, then said "danke", and then I didn't understand the rest of their conversations.

A gift, a Christmas gift, I thinked. Then I eyed other students, they seemed brought many things in their bags. Beautiful morning view, and I thought it would be more beutiful when they exchange the gifts among their friends.

24 Desember 2008

bulk image file resize

Using imagemagick it can be done in linux shell
mogrify -resize 1200x800 *.JPG

ref: novel.com

06 Desember 2008

Software Developer Outsourcing Fees

It's been so long I tried to find an exact fee of software development. Usually I use IDR50,000.00 for programmer manhour. Finally I found an exact one from an international outsourcing company:
Resource Cost
Web/Backend Developers from $18/hr or €11.50/hr
Architects from $24/hr or €15/hr
Front End Developers from $15/hr or €9.50/hr
QA from $12/hr or €7.50/hr

Read carefully the word from.

04 Desember 2008

memory save internet browser

Recent days I tried to find the lowest memory usage configuration for my computer, because I have only 512 MB of memory. Problem with the battery is considered solved, since I could underclock the CPU to 600MHz, around 40% from its actual capability 1.5GHz. During normal usage it last for around 4 hours. Thanks to a geek who taught me about cpudyn, acpi, etc.

24 November 2008

ogg vs mp3

Open audio format ogg seems convincing in reducing audio file size compare to mp3. For a "similar" quality, ogg encodes audio file up to less than 1MB, compare to mp3 which encodes it to 3MB.

But there are still some problem with ogg. It good for final version audio file, which is not to be manipulated. Compare to mp3, ogg has less tools to manipulate it, e.g cutter. Hopefully it will be developed soon.

18 November 2008

BUMI gonjang ganjing

Kalla ngganjingi, apa-apaan sih yang dikatakan Kalla ini. Ngono ya ngono, ning ya aja ngono lah.

Yusuf Kalla mengatakan pemerintah memiliki kewajibam melindungi semua pengusaha nasional termasuk kelompok Bakrie.

"Kalau ada pengusaha nasional yang ada kesulitan kita akan membantu dan ini bukan hanya terjadi di Indonesia, Jepang pun seperti itu. Jaman dulu Astra dibantu, BCA dibantu. Masa Bakrie hanya untuk satu dua hari masa tidak boleh?" ujar Yusuf Kalla.

Saya menyesal di posting2 sebelumnya memuji2 si Kalla ini. Ternyata benar-benar titisan Batara Kalla.

Ini adalah jawaban Tuhan atas kesengsaraan saudara-saudara kita yang terpapar lumpur Lapindo!

17 November 2008

ada udang di balik buy back BUMI

Posting sebelumnya tentang buyback, ternyata harus dicermati dengan seksama. Rasanya apa yang terlihat hanyalah permukaan belaka. Berbagai macam motif dibelakangnya yang sulit dinalar, antara lain:
1. Saham Bumi Resource(IDX:BUMI) yang dijadikan agunan oleh Bakrie untuk ngutang ke finance company di Singapur. Saham ini akhirnya harganya melorot seiring gonjang-ganjing krisis finansial.
2. Rupanya cerita Bumi Resource ini tidak berhenti di situ, IDX sampai memberikan perlakuan khusus kepada BUMI, perdangangan saham BUMI tetap disuspend walaupun suspensi perdagangan di IDX sudah dicabut. Dugaan saya hal ini untuk menjaga harga saham BUMI agar tidak melorot jauh, sehingga Bakrie bisa melakukan antisipasi. Ibu Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani sampai dirumorkan mau mengundurkan diri gara2 ini, bravo mBak Ani!. Dikutip dari perspektif, (SM=SMI=Sri Mulyani Indraswari)

Di balik kegembiraan berita kemenangan Obama, Rabu pagi jam 7:30 Sri Mulyani (SMI) perintahkan BUMI dibuka suspension-nya. Lalu Bakrie 'naik banding' ke SBY. Jam 8:30 SBY perintahkan SM tutup lagi listing BUMI di bursa.

Sebagai bawahan SMI laksanakan perintah Presiden, tapi kemudian jam 18:00 ia mengajukan pengunduran diri dari Kabinet. Jam 20:00 SBY panggil SMI minta maaf dan minta dia tidak resign. SMI setuju asal pagi ini BUMI di-release. Maka terjadilah pagi tadi, walaupun tentu saja, dalam 10 menit BUMI sudah suspended lagi karena auto rejection.

Akhirnya keesokan harinya setelah rumor meluas suspensi BUMI dicabut juga, setelah disuspend dari tanggal 7 oktober 2008 s.d. 5 November 2008. Geblek.. regulator pasar dicocok hidungnya dengan semena-mena. Namun dunia tidak bodoh, lewat masa suspensi harga BUMI langsung terjun bebas, dari sebelum suspensi IDR2.875,00 menjadi IDR1.140,00 hari ini. Mari kita lihat berapa sebenarnya harga BUMI sebelum2nya. Menteri BUMN(Sofyan Djalil) mengatakan dalam sebuah artikel di detik, sayang tak berhasil saya temukan lagi bahwa dulu dia beli saham BUMI seharga IDR75,00.

3. Hari ini meneg BUMN, dilaporkan sebuah sebuah LSM ttg pemilikan sahamnya di BUMI, yang konon bakal dibuy back oleh pemerintah dengan uang BUMN. Weleh.., FYI BUMI sebelumnya adalah BUMN yang bergerak di sektor pariwisata. Entah bagaimana ceritanya ketika berpindah tangan ke Bakrie bisa begitu digdaya..menguasai berbagai bisnis pertambangan. Hukum2 ekonomi benar2 sulit diimplementasikan di bumi ini, terlalu banyak invisible hands!

09 November 2008


Imagine that you are a rich person, e.g richest person in the world. You have a product that is used by many people and many times your product makes these users angry because of the trouble it made. These angry people yelled, and make you a culprit. This accusation haunted your night, that makes you hard to sleep. Once you sleep, it became your nightmare, and left you awake till the dawn.

Since you are a rich person, you find, gather and hire experts to overcome this, of course with very high salary. You hire these experts to prove that your product is flawless, so you'll feel peace since there a proof that you are not the culprit. The experts are working hard, and finally build a tool to prove that, this tool is called SLAM.

downloading youtube video

Usual techniques are using such kind of websites that povide this facility, e.g. keepvid.com. But in case you lack of bandwidth it will cause problem, e.g your connection cost is based on how many byte you are using.

Actually when you play youtube video the browser will cache the video in your local disk, and then the flash-plugin will play it from there. So it would be nice to grab this cache file instead of downloading it again through other website.

Where are the files?
Find them in the browser cache folder. They must be the newest with huge file size, at least 3MB. Copy them into your favorite folder and play them using vlc player, its free and powerful, even though has ugly interface.

Unfortunately this is not always the case. Sometimes the files are secretly encoded so you can not play it correctly.

06 November 2008

symphony warna

a tribute to america, land of dreams

01 November 2008

belajar bahasa inggris

Baru tahu ternyata bbc menyediakan layanan belajar bahasa indonesia di beritanya. Beberapa kata sulitnya dijelaskan dalam bahasa Indonesia. Ada juga streaming bacaan inggrisnya buat belajar listening.

27 Oktober 2008

Will it fall below IDR1,000.00?

Today's IDX composite index hit IDR1,166.41. It has fallen almost 50% from last month's value. It seem everybody went silent, even an investing milist which I join is silent as well. Maybe everybody busy on determining whether they'll do cut loss or cut loss. The bruise is too deep to hold the pain. It seems that hold is not an option, since uncertaintity is shadowing all stock exchange around the world, and it seems that the most of the player is merely small time operators with limited fund.

Uncertaintity seems very clear meanwhile dollar rate for buy and sell have range more than IDR1,000.00. Here is the snapshot from Bank Mandiri.

To be frankly, I glad with this dollar price, the higher the better, in a hope that it will stimulate export, and it will became a natural barrier for imported product for entering this country. We must aware that since dollar is weaking againts yuan, "made in china" wont be competitive in America, therefore we could be the next target of these rubbish.

Back to the stock, what the hell happened actually? Is this composite value depicting the real value of the companies, so in past days it was cooked to make it valuable enough to pull foreign credit and investment?

22 Oktober 2008

embracing lenny

After a bitter experience of manually installing gtk+2, eventually I decided to use lenny distribution for upgrading my etch.
The manual installation was truly scary! compiling one by one the dependencies, and so does the installation using make. Finally my X11 was crashed and I must uninstall the library nervously hoping that everything going back well. A strange thing happened, I could log in as root, but not as regular user! I was really afraid that time, I was clueless since anything I did and read didn't solve the problem, until eventually a pointer telling about disk space solve it. Yes it was out of disk space in my /home directory.

Learning from that experience I tried to do the same using more integrated tools, synaptics. voila! I embrace Lenny, mixing the gnome and the mutant born, half etch and half lenny.

The most bitter thing is upgrading GTK2, which seems totally different from previous version.

19 Oktober 2008

graphic equation plotter for linux

We have notoriuous expensive bulky powerful Mathlab for this purpose actually, but we can also use gnuplot.
Here is the screenshot.

Therefore this the online graph drawing will be a history.

benvenuto in

15 Oktober 2008

Even the Economics Guru must keep himself learning

I don't believe that he is Vincent Lingga. One of super senior imminent economics journalist, editor and [founder?] of the most respectable Indonesian english newspaper.
Even, his own article was published as special report:
In the current era of globalized financial markets, it is almost impossible for us, including me, an economics reporter for the last three decades, to have the financial literacy necessary to understand complex investment securities like the Lehman's market-linked notes peddled by Citibank Indonesia.
Not only in his working newspaper, even Kompas wrote his name as well.
Sebagai nasabah Citigold, Citibank Jakarta, Vincent Lingga, tak merasa akan terjebak kerugian Rp 450 juta. Tanggal 15 September, hari kebangkrutan Lehman Brothers, mungkin salah satu hari tergelap yang akan selalu dia kenang.
I do really honour him for his frankness, even though bitter :(. It will be a very good lesson for everyone, especially the smart asses and economics ignorants. Terima kasih Pak Vincent!

in God we trust, not His creatures
in gold we trust, not its derivatives

09 Oktober 2008

totem video player trouble in iceweasel

Somehow totem video player is set as default video embedded player in iceweasel, but it is not powerful enough actually. After long time living with this trouble, finally it's solved. The idea came after I installed mplayer, a mighty media player.
The plugins are installed in /usr/lib/iceweasel/plugins/. But dont worry it's just an information.
Simply uninstall totem plugin library for iceweasel totem-mozilla, and then install mplayer plugin mozilla-mplayer.

what is model checking?

courtesy of Edmund M. Clarke

it's a cool DOF, isn't it?


gitu dong..

Setelah idx disuspend gara2 IHSG turun 10% pemerintah merencanakan membeli saham2 BUMN! Baru tahu kalau kayak gitu namanya buyback. Bagaimanapun BUMN punya arti strategis buat bangsa ini. Milik negara gitu, dibangun dengan darah dan air mata(paling ndak galian kabelnya dimana2 yang bikin orang cilaka tanpa pernah protes). Hidup SBY deh! Jangan kayak me-gawat-i yang dulu malah menjual Indosat, sial bener bangsa ini. Konon indosat dijual 5T di 2004 kepada singtel oleh kroni me-gawat-i, via Laksamana Sukardi ex ketua IA-ITB(sebaiknya namanya di-jenang abang jadi Laksamana Sugali). Kemudian pada tahun indosat 2008 dijual singtel ke Qatar(Qtel) 16T. Gubrak! 4 tahun untung 200% si singtel! Si Mbak Gawat ini dulu dapat apa sih dari singtel? Karena masih suasana lebaran kita juga harus berbaik sangka, mungkin juga mbak Gawat ini dimanfaatkan orang2 sekelilingnya, jadi seperti lakon "Limbuk dadi ratu" .

Take this sinking boat and point it home we've still got time!

03 Oktober 2008

is it true?

Yes it is!

More comics can be found here,http://www.phdcomics.com/


Long long time ago...

This is the face of semantic web technology, left.

Nowadays it become like this, below right.

It's right that there one thing that constant in this world c h a n g e!
Even in an imminent computer science standardization organization, this change happens. In only four years, the layers are changed!
Imagine if TCP/IP layers are changed! Internet goes doom!

But in my opinion everything went smoothly, the old layer structure is such a guidance or template that ready to refined. I've learnt OWL in the old time, and it become standard now. In that time there were several other that had the same functionality as OWL, but since OWL was developed by W3C, it become standard for current layer.

by the way, it's an interesting artefact.

29 September 2008

Jusuf Kalla

Nice news that Kalla felt comfortable with SBY. I think they are the best match for 2009 onwards. Actually I prefer Kalla as president, but it is impossible to win the race against SBY. The best strategy is Kalla waits until 2014, meanwhile he does the best along with SBY.

I think people love SBY, especially farmers. During SBY-JK's rule, common agricultural commodities, such as corn, soya, rice, and cassava reach the best price. At least quoting my friend's father who has his son to pay tax as soon as possible meanwhile the president is SBY. It's a sincere and spontaneous action responding very good agricultural commodities prices. This sincere act is such a silent scream beneath negative news from media, and "populist" NGO.

What about JK?
I think he is a typical person that people dislike, such as Amien Rais. Maybe he is too frankly, even though his words are true, but his words are politically incorrect. His spontaneous comments and statements are smart indeed, but I think these are not grass roots consumption, just like Amien Rais'. Meanwhile he is working together with SBY, JK should shows his humble just as if he was came from middle or lower class. It's hard, since he came from rich(very rich) family. He should save his big laugh, that tends to insult poor people. He should learn to act like SBY, people love that cool SBY action. JK can pay a correographer for that manner.

I hope SBY-JK will work together until 2014, they've made a good foundation for corruption eradication. I hope in five years onwards their efforts and consistency can be enjoyed by all. KPK is my only hope to pull this nation from this pityful condition.

Selamat hari raya Idul Fitri. Taqobalallahu Minna wa Minkum.

23 September 2008

Drawing function

Function Grapher maybe useful for you who need a simple function drawing application. There are online and standalone application event though it's only for windows.

For me it's a useful tools instead of installing a pirated bulky mathlab.

20 September 2008

jangan sombong

Rasanya kontras dengan judul posting sebelumnya. Lumayan untuk k.o.k.

Kau yang merasa paling suci
kau yang merasa paling mulya
diatas langit masih ada langit

diatas langit ada lagi

jangan sombong

firaun yang kuasa kini dimana
aduhai nitzhe sudah mati
lenon yang masyur telah gugur
lenin yang kokoh telah roboh

jangan sombong …..

aku terurai seperti debu
imajinasi tak liar lagi bagai malam yang mencengkram
bahkan surga pun tak abadi
apalah aku apalah engkau
tiap hati kita tuhanlah yang kekal

dia atas kita kini langit
diatas kita nanti tanah

jangan sombong …..

mumpung masih gratis silahkan download. Album ini dirilis Ramadan 2006, wah masih di Jakarta jaman itu. Liriknya menurut saya bagus, mungkin karena ada personelnya lulusan lingkar sastra. Nama grup musiknya The Panas Dalam, pas lagu ini vokalisnya si Alga Indria. Yang belum tahu dan melihat recent tampangnya mungkin gak percaya kalo dia adalah mantan presiden Keluarga Mahasiswa Institut Teknologi Bandit. Dia juga yang membuat logo merah raksasa OSKM 99, Solidaritas dan Kerakyatan, yang terpajang beberapa tahun di ruang tamu lantai saya di asrama.

18 September 2008


Maaf, saya marah, saya bilang demikian bukan karena saya lebih pinter, tapi karena saya benar-benar marah. Artikel dari detiknews, Anggota KPPU: Dengan Gaji Rendah Seperti Ini Bisa Apa Kita?
Anggota KPPU Benny Pasaribu meminta para ekonom tidak melihat kasus penangkapan koleganya, M Iqbal, dari luar.

"Kalau Anda di pihak kita, you mau menghitung bagaimana? Dengan gaji rendah seperti ini bisa apa kita?" kata kata Benny di sela-sela penggeledahan gedung KPPU oleh KPK, Jl H Juanda, Jakarta Pusat, Kamis (17/9/2008).
Jika ini dikatakan oleh PNS golongan I/II saja saya sudah marah, udah tahu gaji kecil kok mau jadi PNS. Jelas-jelas PNS itu abdi negara,dan abdi masyarakat. Membaca kata-kata anggota KPPU ini saya jadi memaafkan PNS golongan I/II tadi, bagaimanapun mereka "terpaksa" jadi PNS dengan gaji kecil, karena negara belum mampu menyediakan pekerjaan yang lebih layak bagi mereka.
Tapi ketika ini dikatakan oleh orang yang seharusnya jauh lebih punya otak daripada PNS golongan I/II, dikatakan oleh seorang pakar, dimana karir di KPPU adalah pilihan, pilihan; by choice kalo kata bik Jessica di sinema-indonesia.com! Padahal mereka mendapat gaji 12jtan, tapi bukan rasa tidak nrimo mereka ini yang membuat saya marah. Walaupun mereka digaji 500ribu saya juga tetap marah, karena mereka bukan orang bodoh, mereka masuk KPPU by choice. Mereka bukan orang bodoh yang tidak tahu menahu mengenai kondisi keuangan negara, mereka bukan orang bodoh yang berpikir asal jadi anggota KPPU urusan gaji belakangan, mereka bukan orang lemah yang tidak bisa meminta kenaikan gaji layak kepada pemerintah, mereka bukan orang bodoh yang tidak bisa mencari tambahan penghasilan yang layak. Tapi apa yang mereka lakukan, mereka hanya MENGELUH!

Terus memang kenapa kalo gajinya rendah, terus korupsi jadi boleh? Seperti rekannya yang kemarin ditangkap KPK? Terus terang saya sangat kecewa dengan kasus suap Iqbal, yang sialnya punya nama depan se-sincere nama Rasulullah. Entah bagaimana sedihnya Bang Imad di alam kubur sana mengetahui berita ini. Entah apa sebenarnya niat orang-orang seperti ini menjadi pejabat, tapi yang jelas bukan untuk melayani, mereka adalah penjajah bangsanya sendiri, yang lebih hina dari kompeni.

Jadi ingat postingan tentang beasiswa, meski dengan level kebodohan yang rada berbeda.

Ini profil si goblok tadi(eh ternyata "pinter" ding lihat riwayat akademik dan karirnya,whatever, saya marah!), dari situs KPPU:
Benny Pasaribu mengawali karirnya sebagai teknokrat di Departemen Kopersi dan UKM sejak tahun 1981 dengan jabatan terakhir Kepala Biro Perencanaan Departemen Koperasi dan UKM tahun 1998. pada tahun 1999-2000 menjabat Deputi Meneg BUMN bidang industri strategis telekomunikasi, pertambangan, dan energi. Selanjutnya pada tahun 2000 menjadi anggota aktif DPR/MPR - RI di senayan. Selama manjadi anggota DPR RI periode 1999-2004, Benny terpilih sebagai Ketua Komisi IX merangkap Ketua Panitia Anggaran DPR - RI sejak tahun 2000 hingga tahun 2002. Gelar akademis Benny mulai dari Sarjana Ekonomi Pertanian dari Institut Pertanian Bogor (1980), dilanjutkan dengan Master Ekonomi dari Williams College, Massachusetts, USA (1989) dan meraih gelar Doktor Ekonomi dengan spesialisasi Organisasi Industri dan Perdagangan Internasional dari Ottawa University, Kanada (1995). Benny menulis tesis doktornya dengan judul "Industrial And Trade Policies : A Multisectoral Model With Increasing Returns To Scale And Impersect Competition" Benny, yang lahir di Medan empat puluh delapan tahun silam, juga aktif di berbagai organisasi antara lain ketua harian HKTI, Penasehat PB FORKI, dan sebagainya. Benny juga aktif mangajar di berbagai Universitas, termasuk mengajar mata kuliah ekonomi persaingan di tingkat pasca sarjana MPKP FE Universitas Indonesia, selain itu, Benny juga aktif menulis di berbagai media yang mengupas permasalahan persaingan usaha dan monopoli, serta dan isu-isu ekonomi nasional lainnya.

16 September 2008


Hanya karena 500 juta rupiah(yang ketahuan), beliau ini rela melacurkan hidupnya. Lihat betapa berwarna hidup beliau:
situs kppu:
- terpilih sebagai ketua KPPU periode kedua, Juni 2001 sampai Juni 2002,
- dikenal sebagai ahlikoperasi terkemuka di Indonesia. Sejak tahun 1979, telah berkecimpung di bidang perkoperasian, mulai sebagai pengurus Koperasi Kesejahteraan Mahasiswa Bandung (1979-1981),
- Koperasi Pemuda Indonesia (Kopindo, 1981-1999),
- sampai Dewan Koperasi Indonesia (Dekopin, 1983-sekarang)
- direktur PT Yala Tekno Geothermal-sebuah perusahaan kemitraan antara koperasi dan swasta di bidang pengembangan panas bumi.
- anggota MPR Periode 1999-2004, mewakili golongan Koperasi.
- sejak1998 sampai saat ini Iqbal menjabat Vice Chairman of the ICA ROAP Consumer Co-operative Committee.
- meraih gelar sarjana Teknik Industri dari Institut Teknologi Bandung, pada tahun 1981.
Tulisan temannya:
- sosok aktivis Dewan Mahasiswa ,
- aktivis Salman, Dia adalah mentor dengan tutur kata yang lembut, sikap yang sopan dan orangnya gagah.
Membaca tulisan temannya pastinya idola remaja nih dulunya. Sebagai mentor Salman tentunya beliau mempunyai pengetahuan yang luas dan dalam tentang agama. Kalau orang seperti ini bisa jadi seorang pelacur, apalagi...yang cuma dimentori, musti lebih banyak mendekatkan diri pada yg kuasa tentunya.

sedih.. dan malu.
Selamat untuk KPK, semoga Allah senantiasa memberi kemudahan, berkah dan hidayah kepada anggota-anggota KPK dalam menjalankan tugas.

find and replace: memilukan->memalukan, beliau->bajingan

15 September 2008

RUU tentang Pornografi

Walaupun saya yakin bahwa RUU ini bermaksud baik, saya masih menentangnya. Bukan karena saya mendukung pornografi, tapi karena saya yakin ini akan jadi masalah yang lebih besar mudaratnya daripada manfaatnya. Perhatian saya yang utama adalah objek yang dikenakan RUU ini:
3.Setiap orang adalah orang perseorangan atau korporasi, baik yang berbadan hukum maupun yang tidak berbadan hukum.
Jika RUU ini bisa menuntut perseorangan, RUU ini akan sangat bahaya. Aparat hukum akan menggunakan ini untuk abuse perseorangan daripada menindak korporasi. Saat ini saja sudah ada UU pornografi untuk korporasi di lingkungan pers, tapi mana hasilnya?
Kalau aparat yang menjalankan RUU ini nantinya adalah kader-kader partai semacam PKS saya akan dukung 101%, tapi selama yang menjalankan adalah aparat hukum korup jahanam, maka pornografi korporasi akan jalan terus sebagaimana saat ini terus berjalan padahal UU-nya sudah ada, tetapi perseorangan akan diabuse lebih dahulu karena lebih menguntungkan aparat hukum jahanam ini.

Menurut pendapat saya hapuskan obyek perseorangan untuk RUU ini, bantai dulu korporasinya. Buktikan kalau aparat hukum bisa bertindak baik dan benar untuk korporasi, baru untuk perseorangan.

13 September 2008


Just have known that jsx was renamed to idx, Indonesia Stock eXchange. Its composite index free fall rose my curiosity about this stock matter. Must be hard days for speculators, but for real investors it might merely raise their eye browses, since they usually concern for long term investment.

idx's website is really nice, it provides a nice data for analysis. Trying further for testing the facility whether it is really functioning brought me a little further. Downloading data for recent three days I found a really big loss on Astra International(ASII). From Sept. 10th to three consecutive days it lost IDR250, IDR1950, IDR1750, it means totally for those three days it has lost IDR3950.

It's a big hearted game! But it is a good time to start the game, eventhough anyhow life will never be easy, and the world will always maintain its equilibrium.

lagu lama

Somewhere in a scrapbook...
thank you youtube!
monggo dilanjut di youtube, there's no original clips. One among other beautiful song in the same album, such as "sometimes love just ain't enough", and "mistakes".
The cassette was stolen from grand ma home, I think it belonged to my cousins...

10 September 2008

manage yourself

I'm sorry

other: LHC ignition.

07 September 2008

code comment

programer juga manusia,punya rasa punya hati.

06 September 2008


Award apa pula dari GPI ini?

Sedangkan Yusril Ihza Mahendra merupakan tokoh yang dinilai konsisten memperjuangkan Syariat Islam di dalam sisten ketatanegaraan Indonesia. GPI menilai Yusril adalah sosok yang aktif di dalam dunia politik sekuler tanpa menjadi sekuler.
Daripada menangis, mending ketawa aja...

Esta es una mentira!

little house on the prairie

After a very looong time eventually I can watch the series again. Still very touching. First time, the series reminded me when I went to a small books rental in Malang near my rent-house, Indonesian version, "Di Tepi Danau Perak" and "Empat tahun pertama". After that my friend lent me an english version "In the bank of plum creek", the picture here is exactly depicting a first chapter of "in the bank of plum creek", a house which build under ground, on the plum creek river bank, there are beautiful Laura and her brave dog Jack. Laura wasn't so beautiful, cute hehe, but her older appearance was very pretty when Almanzo Wilder proposed to marry her, she was 18.
This series will truly negate any dogma which was told us about the danger of western culture, moreover if we compare it to today local television series. Ingalls family teach about a thankful life in a hard life, which is really suitable for general Indonesian people's hard life. Everything goes logically nice, there is no fairies or stupid big luck which are usually the magical solution in the climax of Indonesian TV series. Evil deeds among children were also depicted adequately, just as children nuisance, not as a smart ass conspiracy that tend to be dangerous even put someone's life at stake.
Most Indonesian TV series are very dangerous for children, sorry not only children, anybody. They shape your mind into a dull one that validate TV series director's illogical reasoning. Not only that, low taste dressing styles and many bad things.
Unfortunately today western serials such as "Friends", "Annie Mc Beal" or "Sex and the city" which are depicting glamour life attract more people to watch, hence they attract more commercials. Some opinions said that they might upgrade woman dressing style and taste...if and only if people afford to buy mango, zara, miu-miu, gucci, ysl, dkny, esprit and so on that are looming in many commercial building around Jakarta. If people are "smart" and confident enough maybe they can find them on factory outlet shop or even from grass root market such as Blok-M Melawai or even Poncol. In my opinion, I highly recommend women not to watch those serials due to their nature as shopping frenzies. The fashion knowledge gained from the serials might make their father or husband live in misery. While I was in a flight from Schiphol, I had a short conversation with a dutch woman about her shopping frenzy, she simply replied "I'm woman", hehehe, exactly the same as a javanese village woman's answer when I contested her about the same matter, hi mom :D. Since this answer was got from two very far point, which are distanced half of earth round, I think it is fair enough to make a generalization of their shopping frenziness.
So, for you who felt that life is hard, watch this series, little house on the prairie! Hopefully you'll be a thankful person. Last but not least, stay away from any disgraced Punjabi's products, beware, their product are such as sauron's rings, never let your family consume them or your beloved will be enslaved by this 'ring' called sinetron. The rings do not only enslave in a lifetime even after the lifetime, turn the bearers into creatures without souls, animated corpses even before they die.

28 Agustus 2008

skype problem with audio playback

Unfortunately I have no elegant solution, just switch the user into root an everything fine.

"Segala pikiran, ucapan dan tindakan saya yang kurang berkenan mohon dimaafkan".
Marhaban ya Ramadan!

26 Agustus 2008


This connection behaviour made me mad, smile until laugh. DUP, unreacheable, fortunately there's no hardware error message, just firmware error restarting...
Actually the speed is quite good, but the reliability is really bad, inevitable characteristic of wireless connection. But the strangest amid all of these mess is my acceptance of all this mess.

There was a big problem with channel standards. Laptop s which are complied to FCC or IDA can not be connected to channel higher than 11, just like mine. Therefore when the access point was set to 12 or even 13 I had to complaint to the administrator. Fortunately they could understand this problem.

Written in intermittent connection . ___..._.

24 Agustus 2008


Kelelahan, Nova/Liliyana Hanya Raih Perak. Layakkah mereka mendapatkan kata hanya? Ingat hanya orang yang bisa sampai final yang bisa dapat perak! Hanya orang yang berhasil menang dalam semifinal, perempat final, perdelapan final dan sesi2 sebelumnya yang bisa mendapat perak. Dimana penghargaan itu?

Sangat berbeda dengan atlit negara lain ketika mereka mendapat perak, perunggu atau bahkan tidak mendapat medali sekalipun. Mereka benar-benar dihargai, memang berbeda dengan yang dapat emas, tapi tidak ada kata "hanya". Apapun yang dicapai itu adalah hasil kerja keras.. sangat keras bahkan. Lihat bagaimana team basket yang dapat perak ketika mereka naik podium, atau team renang sinkronisasi yang dapat perunggu, mereka bangga dan media negerinya membanggakannya.

Bayangkan ketika penghargaan itu disebarkan ke seluruh negeri, anak2 muda juga akan ikut menghargai, ingin jadi mereka, bekerja keras berharap mencapai prestasi mereka orang-orang yang belum berhasil dapat emas itu, berharap suatu hari bisa berprestasi lebih baik. Kita punya 200 juta orang setengah persen saja yang terinspirasi oleh penghargaan atas mereka yang dapat perak itu kita akan punya 1 juta pekerja keras yang bakal menjadi penerus mereka.
Masih ada kesempatan untuk menghargai mereka, semoga terwujud.

22 Agustus 2008

kampung nelayan bernama Bendar

Kabar indah ditengah keterpurukan bangsa ini. Biarlah kompas yang bercerita.

Bagaimana menularkannya ke kampung-kampung nelayan lainnya?

Menurut cerita saudara sebenarnya pendapatan nelayan itu besar. Sayang mereka tidak mengatur penghasilan dengan baik.

Sedikit cerita tentang nelayan pantai utara Jawa. Laut Jawa sudah overfishing, sehingga kemungkinan kapal-kapal Bendar ini memburu Samudra Indonesia dan menjual tangkapannya di pantai selatan Jawa. Hasil tangkapan selalu dijual di pelabuhan terdekat. Nah ini menimbulkan masalah lagi, mengingat terjadi kecemburuan antara nelayan pantai selatan Jawa dengan nelayan utara yang cuma mampir menjual ikan ini dan jauh berpengalaman dengan peralatan lebih canggih. Keseimbangan pasar terganggu, dan akhirnya terjadi konflik. Katanya pernah ada kejadian pembakaran beberapa kapal milik nelayan pantai utara di Prigi Trenggalek, padahal pantai ini telah menjadi pelabuhan ikan nasional. Regulasi pemerintah harus bisa mengakomodasi ini. Tapi perlukah ada pemerintah, ketika pejabat departemen kelautan dan perikanan saja heran ternyata ada kampung nelayan maju seperti Bendar? Tahu apa sih pemerintah, buat apa sih pemerintah?

20 Agustus 2008


Kabar bulan ini didera berita duka tentang orang tua teman. Pertama, Ibu teman yang rumahnya senantiasa menjadi rendezvous teman2 sma dalam kurun waktu 10 tahun terakhir. Ibu yang benar-benar tangguh dalam gambaran saya. Kedua, Ibu teman yang mana beliau tidak pernah saya temui(kata belum pernah tidak tepat lagi rasanya). Beliau menjadi wanita terakhir yang memberikan ucapan selamat jalan sebelum saya meninggalkan Indonesia, kalimat sederhana sih, tapi di saat yang pas rasanya jadi istimewa.

Semoga Allah menerima maengampuni dosa beliau, menerima amal ibadah beliau dan memberi kekuatan semua yang ditinggalkan dengan berkah, rahmah dan hidayah-Nya.

Kejadian semacam ini adalah kejadian yang pasti dialami oleh manusia, namun demikian pastilah tidak mudah menjalaninya. Anak kehilangan orang tua, istri kehilangan suami, suami kehilangan istri, kehilangan saudara, ataupun kehilangan teman. Semua pasti terjadi, semua hanya masalah waktu. Kapan giliran kita? Saya rasa tidak ada orang yang berharap segera terjadi, rasanya tidak ada orang yang merasa siap mengalaminya. Sebuah nasihat teman terus terngiang "Lu harus bersyukur lut". Iya benar, kematian adalah peringatan berharga bagi yang masih hidup untuk melakukan yang terbaik khususnya berbuat terbaik untuk orang2 yang bakal membuat kita kehilangan jika mereka mendahului.

19 Agustus 2008


Saya tidak setuju dengan rencana fatwa MUI tentang merokok haram. Apa ini tidak termasuk mengharamkan yang tidak haram?
Lebih jauh kalau saya lihat hampir seluruh kyai NU Jawa Timur adalah perokok, biasanya Gudang Garam merah kretek tanpa filter, jenis rokok yang bintang iklannya Fahri Ayat-ayat Cinta. "Buktikan merahmu raih dan buktikanlah merahmu", begitu jinglenya, ditambah lagi begitu baiknya si Fahri ini ngangkat belanjaan ibunya, ngasih tempat duduk seorang ibu di kereta...gw banget dah, apalagi pas bagian numpang land rover teman, kalo yang punya land rover teman aja, toh sekarang udah ada cap tata insidenya, jadi males buat pengen beli sendiri, kalo pengen punya sih tetep siapa tahu dapat jatah BLT(Bantuan Langsung Thefender). Balik Rokok! Saya pernah lihat juga di sebuah gambar kalender yang menggambarkan suasana rapat MUI cabang kabupaten saya, asbak dan Kyai yang lagi pegang rokok menyala merah.
Saya khawatir hal semacam ini bakal membuat MUI kehilangan pamornya. Saya kira masih banyak hal yang jelas haram yang masih perlu diberi fatwa, sementara masalah rokok ini kan tidak ada nash-nya. Daripada fatwa rokok mendingan fatwa korupsi dihukum mati, atau potong tangan, terus kalo ketahuan zina dirajam, bukannya malah di-istighosahi!

Sementara di daerah saya sepertinya rencana fatwa ini telah menimbulkan keresahan. Kaget juga ada 210 pabrik rokok di kabupaten ini, belum termasuk yang gelap. Apalagi warung kopinya, dimana di daerah ini saya yakin mempunyai desa dengan densitas warung kopi tertinggi di dunia. Untuk bagian ini sebaiknya tidak dibanggakan karena di warung kopi ini penyakit masyarakat bertunas, meskipun bergantung lokasi juga. Ya paling tidak aktivitas warung kopi bapak2 jelas mengurangi anggaran belanja dapur ibu2, meskipun harga kopinya tidak sejahiliyah starbucks dimana butuh bucks sebanyak stars di langit buat beli secangkir kopi aja.

11 Agustus 2008


What the hell...unbelievable.
Hotline service, party line, and horoscope are throned as number one commercial spending in Indonesia according to recent AC Nielsen's survey.
This is truly an undeniable mass hipocrisy. Meanwhile public outcry of oil price hike, soaring school fee, and low purchase power that leads to malnutrition. Ups, and i've done nothing, not even thinked, just surprised!

09 Agustus 2008


Tak sengaja menemukan software ini di creditnya website itb, namanya processing. Keren juga, eh keren banget ding. Lihat aja di bagian exibitionnya, terus ikuti linknya..hmmm.
Sepertinya bakal jadi software grafik yang "gue banget" buat yang suka coding. Hebat juga java ini..salut

Instalasinya agak tricky di Linux, masalah dengan jikes-nya. Jikes bawaan si processing mungkin tidak cocok dengan sistem Linux yang ada(libstdc++ something), jadi install aja jikes buat distribusi Linux saudara, setelah itu buat symbolic link(dicopy juga bisa sih) ke jikes yg ada di /bin atau /usr/bin di folder yg sama dengan jikes bawaan processing, hapus/rename dulu jikes yg lama.

walah, sibuk-sibuk malah utak-atik hal yg gak-gak...

08 Agustus 2008


Pembukaan Olimpiade Beijing 2008.

02 Agustus 2008

GPU for computing

Really surprised while reading an email this morning, moving computation task on GPU instead of using CPU. Last year I was really surprised knowing graphic cards memory usage for virtual memory, I imagined how fast it would be. And today they moved further, move computational task on parallel GPU.
You can see there are four graphics cards installed, with 2 GPU each, so it has 8 GPU. Quite interesting technique, considering GPU has more processor register than CPU, since many years ago there are GPU with 128 bit processors, meanwhile CPU has just moved to 64 bit. GPU is not a multi purpose processor, so it is easier to design a sophisticated one.
Thanks for PCIexpress technology that makes multiple graphic cards installation possible. In AGP age it was truly impossible since AGP is only allowed single card installed.
Eventhough they said it is an affordable supercomputer, it is quite expensive, $6000, but in the next two years eventually it will be affordable. Would it be a big threat for sgi? No, I don't think so, SGI still provide far more reliable devices. Anyhow this Fastra computer was build upon consumer class devices, but maybe it is suitable for particular works that do not require strict reliability feature.

Further information: http://fastra.ua.ac.be
Picture is courtesy of the owner.

Innalillaahi wa Inna Ilaihi Raajiun..

Beliau adalah founding father masjid Salman, masjid kampus pertama di Indonesia. Biarlah tulisan ini memberikan keterangan lebih lengkap tentang beliau.
Rasanya hanya sekali saya mendengarkan ceramah langsung beliau di Salman, mungkin sebelum2nya pernah juga, tapi belum tahu tentang beliau. Great muslim! Semoga Allah menerima amalan2 beliau dan mengampuni dosa2 beliau, serta hasil perjuangan beliau dapatlah senantiasa diteruskan oleh generasi2 yang lebih muda.

*) sengaja tidak saya tulis nama beliau agar google surfer tidak terjebak ke tulisan sederhana ini.

inflasi dan investasi

Inflasi tahun ini dalam kurun Januari-Juli telah mencapai 8,85%, sementara target pemerintah inflasi pada tingkat 11,2%.

Apa instrumen investasi yang bisa melawan inflasi setinggi ini? Deposito gak ada yang lebih dari 10%, SUN, SBI entahlah? Tapi sepertinya gak lebih juga dari 10%, hehehe orang asing yang pada beli SUN nyesel deh kayaknya..mungkin mereka tergiur angka interest rate 9% sekian, sementara di negerinya yg ekonominya stabil gk pernah ada interest rate lebih dari 5%, eeeeh gak tahunya inflasinya 10% lebih..wakakaka. Saham, gonjang-ganjing juga. Emas mungkin yang paling menarik.

Dalam pemikiran saya kalau inflasi setinggi ini harusnya tidak ada orang yang mau menyimpan uang, berarti bakal banyak uang yang diinvestasikan daripada disimpan. Kalau banyak uang diinvestasikan harusnya bisa menggerakkan ekonomi, membuka lapangan kerja, mengurangi pengangguran dan seterusnya.

just my two hundreds rupiahs.. inflasi kawan..

31 Juli 2008


When everybody tends to be javanese, saying yes for maybe, saying maybe for no, and saying no when you were already backstabbed, these conversations will refresh our manner of frankness. I found something nice about frankness while reading a series of opinions on Kompas about Tan Malaka which was presented in this chronology:
1. Tan Malaka dan Kebangkitan Nasional by Zulhasrul Nasir
2. Tentang Tan Malaka by Sabam Siagian
3. Darurat Perang Jenderal Sudirman by Zulhasrul Nasir

Read these phrases which are written by Sabam Siagian as corrections for Zulhasrul Nasir's opinion:
"Pertama, kutipan berikut mencerminkan bias penulis dan juga kurang menguasai fakta."
"Dalam konteks uraian historis ini, kalimat '... Maka amat disayangkan TKR saat itu lalu membunuhnya
(!? SSg) di sebuah desa di Kediri...' amat tendensius." [SSg=Sabam Siagian]
"Agaknya penulis mendukung sikap politik demikian tanpa meneliti lebih dulu pemikiran geopolitik ..."

SSg's counter opinion is truly nice, depicting his vast knowledge and understanding about the topic. It was undenied on second Zulhasri Nasir's writing, he merely wrote "ada hal-hal yang ingin dikesankan mantan Dubes RI untuk Australia itu".

To be frankly . . . On the beginning I planned to wrote something about Tan Malaka, but I felt unconfident after reading SSg's opinion ;^(, maybe next time after I read my Harry A. Poze books, which are Indonesian version obviously. I think it is necessary to learn dutch for deciphering Indonesian history.

30 Juli 2008


Konser Paduan Suara Stuttgart "Kammerchor Stuttgart" di aula barat ternyata sudah gak murah lagi,
Harga Tiket :
Umum 40.000
Mahasiswa 20.000

Terakhir(2004?) lihat konser resital vokal di tempat yang sama masih 10.000 untuk umum (dan pengangguran), dan 5.000 untuk mahasiswa(dan pengangguran yang masih punya kartu tanda mahasiswa), amazing... bagus bener emang bangunan belanda ini. Tanpa sound system apapun suaranya mantap dan jernih..

Kembali ke harga, inflasi 400% dalam waktu 4 tahun? Apakah mahasiswa sekarang sudah sekaya2 ini ya, ataukah memang 20.000 itu sekarang harga dua kali makan? wah kalo ini harga yang wajar berat juga sekarang kuliah di bandung. Rasanya dulu beruntung sekali, pas mulai kuliah, Gus Dur jadi presiden, gaji orang tua dinaikkan dan sepertinya gak naik-naik lagi tuh sampai sekarang.. pastinya sekarang jadi lebih berat tentunya. Masih ada Malang sih yang murah meriah, 2.500 masih bisa dapat ayam di bilangan Semanggi dekat Poltek. Ya tapi rasanya nggak fair kalo subsidi yg dulu 30 jutaan (harusnya ini lebih tinggi sekarang, kan inflasi) per tahun per mahasiswa itu lagi-lagi jatuh ke yang kaya-kaya. Sayang juga kalo gara-gara uang beberapa ratus ribu perbulan (eh mungkin sekarang satu jutaan ya) buat uang saku dan SPP 2-3 juta per semester, trus jadinya takut ndaftar ITB dan akhirnya gak dapat subsidi 30 juta itu.

Ayo adik-adik, sekolahlah ke ITB berhadiah subsidi 30 jutaan per tahun... (eh lupa harusnya lebih ding, kan inflasi :^)

26 Juli 2008


One of beautiful chapters of my life was written at this place. The people of this place taught me many thing, life, love, anger, sad, disappointment, care, affection, game, responsibility, management, math, programming, sports, and many more things. Sometimes I feel it was a pity that my sports skills wasn't improved, meanwhile there are a nice facility of basketball, football, pingpong, volley ball, or badminton.
I lived there for a quite long time, this place became a nice sanctuary for many of my friend who need more time to finish their study as well as me, meanwhile most of other friends already leave Bandung. Last year of study was a really fragile time, meanwhile you felt alone being left by your friends. Without friends around you simple things became hard, and laziness would struck your sanity. Trapped in such condition, it was truly an advantage of living in a dormitory. I felt there are many friends, that always encourage me to finish my final project. It wouldn't happen if I lived in a rent room.
Living for a long time in such society make me always miss this dormitory, the people, the atmosphere... and tend to make such kind of condition anywhere I live.

21 Juli 2008

alanis morissette

Sudah 10 tahun lebih tidak ngefans lagi ama penyanyi ini, sejak ada rilis video clipnya yang konon telanjang(saya belum pernah liat versi ini) dan lagunya yang rada mellow dibanding Jagged Little Pills. Melihat lagi di siaran langsung di TV, eh nyanyi lagu-lagu lawas jaman saya SMA ...wah masih tetap bagus suaranya, walau penampilannya udah gak selangsing dulu, normal woman. Ironic, You Learn, Hand in My Pocket, yang lain udah lupa. Sayang penonton di konsernya ini rada sedikit, dibanding konser di JCC dulu, "And isn't it ironic...dont you think. A little too ironic...I really do think..."
Pada jaman Jagged Little Pills lagu-lagunya masih bernuansa sosial, pas banget dengan iklim masa itu, pas lagi demen-demennya ndengerin radio asing berbahasa Indonesia di pagi hari yang membuka wacana tentang kebrobrokan pemerintah. Forum negara Pancasila masih juga didengerin sih, sekedar buat hiburan pengganti Ria Jenaka yang tak lagi tanyang di TVRI.
Salah satu perkembangan wacana musik saya semasa sma yang terbonsai sejak lulus SMP, bersama green day(album insomniac doang).
As always they were borrowed for alooong time from a friend, gobis. namanya juga cute paracyte. Paling ndak bukan bajakan!

09 Juli 2008


ngelmu iku kelakone kanthi [m]laku[2]

29 Juni 2008

Skype SMS sending functionality on Linux

Somehow skype front end on linux doesn't provide interface for sending sms, it isn't a problem on Skype distribution for Windows. Here a nice explanation about sending sms with skype on linux .
Following the link of necessary tools and library it successfully works. Here are what you need:
1. skype client of course
2. skype credit of course
3. Skype4Py. You need root privilege for installation
4. because Skype4Py uses python, sure you need python. You need ctype as well. you can depend on synaptics for these library(I use debian ;^).
5. Command-line tools for Skype , more info in http://www.oberle.org/skype_linux_tools/

File skype_tools-0.11.tar.gz contains:
Hopefully you can learn something from these files.

Ok, it should be done, run ./send_sms.py +62811ESPANA campeone Euro2008
A warning will be popped up from skype client, like this. Yes and it should be done.

For ctype you can use phyton-ctype:
Python package to create and manipulate C data types ctypes is a ffi (Foreign Function Interface) package for Python. ctypes allows you to call functions exposed from dlls/shared libraries and has extensive facilities to create, access and manipulate simple and complicated C data types in Python - in other words: wrap libraries in pure Python. It is even possible to implement C callback functions in pure Python.

18 Juni 2008

beautiful typograph and layout

It is common to see a nasty typograph and layout on an amateur paperwork. Amateurs tend to think that they can do everything, from the content, layout, typograph, even the colour and illustration. I remember when an owner of a software enterprise which was doing project in a state ministerial office insisted to put his own logo design as an opening/welcome screen of the official website of the minister office, my friend commented "Garuda Terbakar/Burned Garuda". The logo was Garuda Pancasila with red background. These smart ass actions became common when WYSIWYG(What You See Is What You Guess) editing tools are widely available. Everybody thinks to be a designer; typographer and layouter. Everybody think that design is simple matter.
Go back to writing paper work. Actually for someone who doesn't know about design matter it would be better to follow given styles or template, no need to be creative, or the result will be a nasty annoying work that can make the reader/audience's eyes turn red.
My suggestion as fellow amateur:
A. Presentation and Blog:
1. Use template
2. Don't do any significant 'creative' vandalism on the template

B. Paper report
1. Use template
2. Use LaTEX, anyhow this tool is still the best typesetting tool, you can compare which one is better among springer published books, Pearson, Prentice-hall and so on. And take a look what is the system they used for typesetting. Hail Donald E. Knuth!

Sample of nice template for report available on springer's site. There are available on several mainstream editor file format.

Little tutorial on llncs using LaTEX:
1. get llncs.cls.tex, it is a class file
2. get typeinst.zip, it contains sample file of llncs class. You can read the .tex file inside to learn llncs usage.

16 Juni 2008

kekayaan seorang dosen

Wah kalo melihat ini sepertinya menarik juga jadi dosen... hehehe.
Lihat sumbernya dari mana:
1. pinjaman bank dan koperasi
2. bantuan orang tua
romantik kali...
gimana nyicilnya ya yang pinjaman bank itu?

Rp1,1 Milyar~80.000€~$10.000, kaya juga, sapa bilang jadi dosen itu miskin...
Interval waktunya juga [a\ ]gak lama, 18 tahun, eh ini lama ya?

[ditulis saat nonton jerman vs austria yg membosankan]

14 Juni 2008

SKB Tiga Menteri ttg Ahmadiyah

Wah saya ketinggalan banyak berita dalam minggu ini. Alhamdulillah SKB tiga menteri ttg Ahmadiyah akhirnya diterbitkan juga, meskipun bias dan moderat.
Berikut ini isi dari SKB tersebut:
1. Memberi peringatan dan memerintahkan untuk semua warga negara untuk tidak menceritakan, menafsirkan suatu agama di Indonesia yang menyimpang sesuai UU No 1 PNPS 2005 tentang pencegahan penodaan agama.

2. Memberi peringatan dan memerintahkan bagi seluruh penganut, pengurus Jemaah Ahmadiyah Indonesia (JAI) sepanjang menganut agama Islam agar menghentikan semua kegiatan yang tidak sesuai dengan penafsiran agama Islam pada umumnya, seperti pengakuan adanya Nabi setelah Nabi Muhammad SAW.

3. Memberi peringatan dan memerintahkan kepada anggota atau pengurus JAI yang tidak mengindahkan peringatan tersebut dapat dikenai sanksi seusai peraturan perundangan.

4. Memberi peringatan dan memerintahkan semua warga negara menjaga dan memelihara kehidupan umat beragama dan tidak melakukan tindakan yang melanggar hukum terhadap penganut JAI.

5. Memberi peringatan dan memerintahkan kepada warga yang tisak mengindahkan peringatan dan perintah dapai dikenai sanksi sesuai perundangan yang berlaku.

6. Memerintahan setiap pemerintah daerah agar melakukan pembinaan terhadap keputusan ini.

TIDAK ADA kata-kata tentang PELARANGAN Ahmadiyah?
Pemerintah ragu-ragu, ataukah memang mengacu pada peraturan sebelumnya yang mengatakan bahwa Ahmadiyah sudah dilarang jadi tidak perlu disebutkan kata-kata pelarangan Ahmadiyah lagi?

Maaf, mungkin opini saya tentang FPI salah :^(.

Dasar Hukum Pelarangan Ahmadiyah di Indonesia

Setelah mencari2 dan tidak ketemu, Alhamdulillah akhirnya secara tidak sengaja ketemu juga, di derap.net.
Berikut ketetapan/keputusan tentang Ahmadiyah:
  1. SK Menteri Kehakiman RI No JA / 23 / 13 tertanggal 13 Maret 1953, SK ini melegalkan Ahmadiyah. SK ini yang sering dipasang pada papan nama organisasi dan mesjid2 ahmadiyah. Selanjutnya SK ini dicatat dalam Tambahan Berita Negara RI No 26 tanggal 31 Maret 1953.
  2. Perpres No 1 Tahun 1965 tentang Penodaan Agama dan KUHP Pasal 156a tentang Penistaan Agama. Peraturan ini MELARANG Ahmadiyah.
  3. Peraturan-peraturan tingkat daerah yang MELARANG: SK Kejari Subang, Jabar, Tahun 1976, SK Kejati Sulsel Tahun 1977, SK Kejari Lombok Timur Tahun 1983, SE Dirjen Bimas Islam, Depag, Tahun 1984, SK Kejari Sidenreng, Sulsel, Tahun 1986, SK Kejari Kerinci, Jambi, Tahun 1989, SK Kejari Tarakan, Kaltim, Tahun 1989, SK Kejari Meulaboh, Aceh Barat, Tahun 1990, SK Kejati Sumut Tahun 1994, SKB Muspida Kuningan, Jabar, Tahun 2003, SKB Muspida Bogor, Jabar, Tahun 2005

Mengingat SK Menteri Kehakiman yg melegalkan diterbitkan tahun 1953 dan Perpres yang melarang diterbitkan tahun 1965, jelas bahwa saat ini Ahmadiyah adalah ajaran dan organisasi TERLARANG. Jadi pemerintah harusnya tinggal menjalankan aksi pelarangannya saja, tunggu apa lagi. Kalau masih berpikir lagi ya musti cabut dulu itu Perpres No 1 th 1965, atau bikin aturan lagi yg melegalkan Ahmadiyah.

13 Juni 2008

Let's Get Rocked

I can't stand not to write an entry about this video clip, youtube is great! It was in my 5th or 6th year of elementary school, when I could only watch TVRI, musik 10, music mancanegara, mancagita or whatsoever. In that age the clips was very sophisticated; 3D animation with a couple of computer stuff, black-white screen with number, graph and 3D character wireframe. It was early '90, maybe 1992. You can have them all in a $100 PC today.
Few years later, when I studied in junior high school, Def Leppard released their compilation album, Vault, with a new single When Love and Hate Collide. Not so long after that a brand new album was released, Slang, that accompany me during World Cup 1996. It was an unforgettable story, germany won the game with Klinsmann as the star, but I forget where it was.
That was the age of casette recording. I've never had them, they belong to my junior high school mate, Reza, who collects many Def Leppard ancient albums and vast collections of recording from his parents generation. His music collection strongly poisoned my taste, even until now that I think have no significant improvement since then.
Fortunately it was not the age of MP3, so there's no crime of illegal copying, just borrowing..for looooong time..until sometimes I forgot to give it back, I'm a cute paracyte. Then played them on my 'hi-fi' audio systems that looked similar to A.S.N.F radio of Man of Honor movie. Sorry it was not 'hi-fi', it was truly a hi-fi, high fidelity audio systems that the sound can be refine by changing the capasitors or resistors to achieve affordable treble and bass balance, I loved it!

11 Juni 2008

Lapindo Drilling caused Mud Disaster!

Sciencedaily.com news about Lapindo disaster in Sidoarjo is really nice. It strengthens Rudi Rubiandini's statement that blame Lapindo for the disaster. It would be an uppercut for BPPT mind boggling statements.

The scientific reported is compiled from works of UC Berkeley and Durham University. I think a academic institution is more sincere than any mercenary such as BPPT or even independent examiner. The work exactly conclude the statement as Rudi Rubiandini's claim, it is about casing that should protect the borehole. A statement of Prof Davies from Durham:
“We are more certain than ever that the Lusi mud volcano is an unnatural disaster and was triggered by drilling the Banjar-Panji-1 well.”
Somehow I do not agree on "Lusi"(Lumpur Sidoarjo) terms, it made a public amnesia that the evil was Lapindo, so say it Lumpur Lapindo instead.

May God give strength and courage for all the victim of this Lapindo Mud Disaster.

10 Juni 2008

Syntactic, Gramatical and Semantics

A short discussion about world language made me realized that Javanese language has move a step further than it fellows other language. Instead of bugging on gender, syntactic, conjugated verbs, and gramatical tenses, Javanese moves onto higher order level that concerns on semantics.
Analogous to programming language, isn't it? The better the language it will concern more on semantic than syntactic.
Sometimes I think what is the purpose of this gender, conjugated verb, and tenses? However tenses do not give precise time value, it is merely give an indication of already done, still in progress or will be done and many other mindboggling combinations. More over in fact for a precise meaning, a sentence must be equipped with time indication eventhough it has use tenses already, so what is the purpose of the tenses? Not every stuff has complete lattice of male and female, so why use gender noun?

Here are some example which are I often heard:
janur gunung. Janur is tunip of coconut leaves, it colour usually yellow, and used as decoration in many javanese ritual occasions. Gunung is mountain. So what is meant? The meaning is very far from those words. Since in the mountain usually there's no coconut tree that usually grow on beach, but there is a tree which is similar to, Aren. Aren has similar leaves to coconut, and it also has janur. This "aren" will form the meaning, "kadingaren" which mean more less occasionally+surprising, actually I cannot find the exact meaning in english. Usage example: Lha kok njanur gunung to Le, malem minggu sinau? "What the hell happened, you are studying in week end?
Other similar formed term is nglemah bengkah, sorry for forgetting many other. These terms are like puzzle, you must solve it and than find a corresponding possible meaning.

More beautiful words composition which are formed sophisticated pronounciacion sound easily found in "cakepan gending" (lyrics) or wayang (shadow puppets) characters conversation. Unfortunately they are not easy to be understood, particularly for Mtv generation and henceforth. Cruel competition to pursue life basic need, force young people to choose easier enjoyable entertainment and marginalizing ethnic culture which are harder to understand. Having learnt modern music for several months as long as you have money you can go to studio make a recording, and call your music as alternative genre. But having several years experience in classical ethnic music, you might got a judgement, "not enough good to be considered as bad". I think fancy language got the impact as well.
I think it is not their fault, but the failure of former generation to prepare a suitable condition. According to Maslow theorem, I think there are vast degradation of Indonesian people, from serving God, serving people into serving theirself. From serving their heart, head to serving their mouth, stomach and other physical amusement.

Actually it is not only Javanese, Minang and most Indonesian tribe language also have the same, but I'm not familiar with them. In Minang sophisticated language is usually used on special occasion such as marriage ritual and other ritual customs. Minang use their sophisticated language in a form of pantun which has particular rithm and word ending. And what about Indonesian? Actually Indonesian language try to enhance itself by any terms found in the daily life, they can be from mother tongue language terms or foreign terms. Yeah Indonesian in my opinion isn't a well formed language.

02 Juni 2008

goblok, dimanfaatkan atau memang mercenary?

Membaca penyerbuan FPI terhadap long march pendukung kebebasan beragama di monas membuat saya semakin yakin bahwa ada yang salah dengan FPI. Entah mereka memang bego, dimanfaatkan, atau mercenary.
Menurut penilaian saya peristiwa penyerbuan ini merupakan kemenangan besar kelompok yang diserbu, khususnya Ahmadiyah dan pendukungnya. Apalah arti puluhan orang luka-luka dibanding pencitraan oleh media bahwa Ahmadiyah adalah kelompok minoritas, tertindas dan live in danger. Jika memang ingin menekan pemerintah mengapa tidak bergerak dalam satu barisan dengan organisasi lain, apa sih artinya FPI?

Lihat sekarang apa hasil kebodohan FPI, bukannya tekanan buat pemerintah untuk membubarkan Ahmadiyah, tapi justru tekanan internasional kepada pemerintah yang lemah untuk bertindak sebaliknya.

28 Mei 2008

hidden in america

I don't remember when I saw this movie, sorry it was a miniseries TV. Got lazy after read the complete review. It was about poverty in america, sure it was better than indonesia's poverty, but it was still a bitter scene. Moreover compared to indonesia, maybe it is better in Indonesia, at least there would be many people live in the same situation, so the feeling less pity might be arise along with the thankful feeling.

It maybe fiction, but maybe it is depicting a real situation with regard to this news, Medical charity helping US poor.

26 Mei 2008

photo exhibition

Yesterday I saw a photo contest exhibition in Town center. Fascinating picture. The pictures were taken by photo journalist, and there was a Henri-Cartier-Bresson's quote,father of photojournalism.There were three pictures that I love; a woman shut out and pointing out to a policeman who beg for her apologize, a girl peeking on closed gate(it was a nice composition) and two lazy beggars. If you ask about the pictures, well a picture may be worth of a thousand words, but it consume a thousand times memory size ;^).
The most fascinating, and it was make me think deeply, braille letter describing each finalist picture. On the first time I saw it I said in my head,"what's the point?", but when I walk around and stuck on it, somehow it remind me how lucky I am, who still able to see the world clearly with my two eyes. Why weren't the blinds given a little bit of opportunity to "see" such a beautiful picture? Don't you agree with me?

Here is the "highly questioned" winner:
If you notice the empty space was "something", this picture was cooked. I didn't notice it when I saw it in town center, until I read a news about it. It was truly a flaw of a photo contest, moreover photojournalism contest.

24 Mei 2008

I'm wrong

I admit my fault for giving an early prejudice to SBY.

He dare to hike oil price!

I really unsure whether it is right or wrong to hike the oil price now, moreover with average hike 28.7%. Here are complete price list taken from TJP site:

Premium gasoline price is increased by one-third from Rp 4,500 (48 U.S. cents) to Rp 6,000 while diesel fuel is hiked from Rp 4,300 to Rp 5,500.

The price of kerosene, which is used by most poor families, is increasead 25 percent from Rp 2,000 to Rp 2,500.

To be honest actually I agree with his decision, even though this unpopular decision is also depicting his failure to anticipate the trend of oil price hike world wide. I hope the program to overcome the impact of this oil price hike will run smoothly. May God give the our people strength, sincere, and courage to face this bitter decision.

there is truly many thing to be done, to fight for, in this lovely country...

18 Mei 2008


This year maybe the worst year of Indonesian Badminton history. In Uber-Thomas cup that was held in Senayan Jakarta, Thomas team was beaten by South Korea on semi final, meanwhile Uber team did better, beaten by China on final.
The most bitter thing was they were beaten in 3 consecutive games, therefore the next 2 games was no more interesting.

In my opinion this tragedy is not the fault of the player and the couch, I'm sure they've done their best, and I will always proud of them.

It is truly a bitter reality.

17 Mei 2008


Gemerlap Pesta Kota
Seolah Getar Flamenco Mengalun Jiwa
Kududuk Terhanyut Nuansa
Disudut Semarak Plaza Catalonia

Kala Sepasang Mata...
Menatapku Manja...
Mengajak Berdansa
Sapanya "Quiere Usted Bailar Conmigo?"

"Quiere Darme Su Direccion Senorita?"
Kuingin Kau Ajak Serta Malam Ini
"Como Se Pronucia Oh Juwita"
Ingin Kunyatakan Cinta Sepenuh Asa

Mungkin Esok Kukan Pergi
Tapi Kuberjanji
Pasti Diriku Kembali
Untuk Cinta Yang Tertinggal
Dijantung Barcelona

Peluklah Diriku Mesra... Dalam Cinta
Sebagai Pengikat Rindu
Akan Kukenang Slalu
Cintaku Di Barcelona

"Lo Siento Mucho Senorita"
Kuharus Meninggalkanmu Sejenak Waktu
Hapuslah Airmatamu Kini
Dua Hati Tlah Terpadu Satu Janji

Usaikan Cerita
Malam Yang Tersisa
Ku Tak Kuasa Lagi
Tuk Menunda Waktu
Hidupku Bersamamu

Kecuplah Diriku Kasih... Malam Ini
Angan Yang Tergoda Resah
Srasa Smakin Gelisah
Melupakan Fajar Tiba ...

[Back To Bridge]

"Hasta La Vista Mi Amor..." Penuh Cinta
Dihariku Kan Kembali
Kan Kuingatkan Janji
Cintamu Di Barcelona

[Back To Reff]

Cintaku Di Barcelona ...
Barcelona ...

Nice song from Fariz R.M., even though I prefer the other one Sakura Dalam Pelukan. I think it was in 80's. I just know there are some spanish sentences on the lyrics, that's why I could not able to sing it completely.
First time I saw his performance in Graha Niaga building on Sudirman Jakarta, 2003, in a students art performance, our group was participating as well. He sang very good even in his age. Watching his performance made me no wonder if Sherina become a talented singer, they share a same family name Munaf. There were also Dee (Dewi RSD) and her sister(Mocca vocalist). Second time I saw a live performance of Indonesian artists, the first was Cokelat, at Plaza Widyanusantara on Palindrome Project, 2002.

Barcelona, there I'll come . . .

16 Mei 2008


Until my boss told me monoblock and tube lamps I thought that the best audio devices are sony, kenwood and so on with sophisticated term such as surround, subwoofer and so on. Yes I was wrong.

Our ears are only two, therefore stereo sound system is actually enough, and a good sound system is the one that reproduce a sound similar to the original, not more or less such provoked by subwoofer stuff, that what was Pak Arief said. But the problem is about what kind of stereo sound system can produce such incredible sound. Unfortunately any transistor sound system which is widely available is never adequate for this purpose due to transistor characteristic. Somehow transistors degrade electron flow, such as electron hole jump.. ahh I don't know exactly.. I'm not an electronic engineer, that eventually degrade sound quality.

Fast backward to the time when transistor was not yet invented, people use tube lamps that has characteristic such as transistor, even computer processor was made from this tube lamps in this age. Its size and power greedy characteristic made any devices contain this tubelamps become monstrous big, but it has a nice characteristic for sound reproduction. It has a smoother 'curve' that preserve sound quality. Therefore audiophilies prefer this kind of tube lamps audio amplifier sound system.

In the case of surround sound system, dts, and so on, this tubelamps system gives a more natural output. Such as when attending a live music concert, from the sound we can determine where are the vocalist, violin, bass, and so on, even though the sound is only coming from the front. This kind of opportunity coined into a notion of staging.

Sure for producing such kind of sound you need a really good resource, forget about MP3, even for the highest possible sampling rate. CD audio is considered as the worst affordable source, preferably vinyl, or any other recording source with quality between them.

This entry was provoked when I saw a bunch of vinyl and the player, it is cheaper than I've thought...hehehe, maybe it was the worst. But the tubelamps sound amplifier price is truly crazy, even though someone offer me for USD500 for the cheapest, home made.