05 September 2011

hiding menu on xournal

Before shorten menu

Two rows of toolbar while working with xournal on small screen might be difficult. They consume too much space. Xournal manual point out how to hide these toolbar.
check your ~user/.xournal/config. It can be generated by saving preference.
Then edit the value of this line:
shorten_menu_items=toolbarMain toolbarPen hbox1
toolbarMain for top toolbar
toolbarPen for below top toolbar
hbox1 for status bar

After shorten menu

I got these values from xournal.glade of the xournal source code as pointed out by xournal user manual. The lines on xournal.glade are:
widget class="GtkToolbar" id="toolbarMain"
widget class="GtkToolbar" id="toolbarPen"
widget class="GtkHBox" id="hbox1"