17 Mei 2009

great choice

Little bit late post.
Actually I really surprised with SBY decision to choose Boediono as his vice president candidate. In my opinion Boediono is non partisan. He is totally a professional who is not known in grassroot level. Observing this choice I can figure out that SBY is really confident, and likely this pair will lead this country for the next five years. I pray for them may God lead them to right path to lead this nation to better life.

Taken from BI website:

Born in Blitar East Java on 25 February 1943, obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Economics at the Gajah Mada University, Yogyakarta. In 1972, obtained his Master Degree of Economics at Monash University, Australia. Boediono obtained his Doctoral degree in Business and Economics at Wharton School University of Pennsylvania, USA 1979.

In 1996 – 1997, he was appointed s a Director of the Directorate of Rural Bank Supervision and as a Director of the Directorate of the Operational and Monetary Management in 1997 – 1998. After he spent his career in Bank Indonesia, Boediono assigned as Minister of Republic Indonesia for three Cabinet Periods namely State Ministry of National Development Planning/Chairperson of the National Development Planning Agency, Ministry of Finance (2001 – 2004), and Coordinating Minister for the Economy (2005 – 2008).

Boediono was appointed as Governor of Bank Indonesia pursuant to the Republic Indonesia Presidential Decree Number 34/P/2008. dated 15 May 2008


What's the matter with PKS? Several days ago they made a reactive response to SBY decision to choose Boediono as his vice president candidate. The respons was given by Anis Matta. Some more reactive response even suggested PKS to leave coalition with Demokrat.

Yesterday, in SBY-Boediono candidacy declaration their party leader attended it and vowed this party support to SBY decision. Today I got even more strange news said that the SBY-Boediono speech during their candidacy declaration is following order from PKS. What? Come on don't make people laugh, be humble.

But I still not able to conclude anything, It is right that this a matter of image that is constructed by news, propaganda, whatever and I didn't know which one is correct and what lies behind any statements. But something struck my mind and made me lost a fragment of trust to this party.

11 Mei 2009


Membaca berita antara tentang tentara yang hafal Al-Quran rasanya jadi malu, padahal punya lebih banyak waktu dan kemudahan. Sudah berkali-kali berusaha tapi kok ya tidak bisa istiqomah. Ada aja alasan untuk berhenti, sementara sulit sekali membuat alasan untuk melanjutkan lagi.

Go Tik Swan

Terkejut pagi ini membaca sebuah berita ttg Radya Pustaka yang menuliskan "Go Tik Swan(almarhum)". Betapa kehilangan rasanya, terlebih kabar ini begitu terlambat, beliau meninggal 5 November 2008 yang lalu, pada usia 77 tahun.

Pertama kali mengenal nama ini di kisaran tahun 2004/2005 ketika diadakan pameran batik di aula barat. Sebuah karya beliau dipajang disana, kain pagi sore berlatar putih. Sebuah karya yg sangat indah dan tak terkira bagaimana membuatnya, garis-garis canting yang begitu bersih, tipis, dan tegas. Entah apakah masih ada orang yang bisa membuat karya seindah itu, semoga saja masih ada dan akan selalu ada.

Sugeng tindak Go Tik Swan, semoga diberi kelapangan di alam sana. Karyamu dan namamu akan senantiasa abadi.

10 Mei 2009

h o p e

They don't need money

They need hope
They need courage
They need leader

They need you

02 Mei 2009

veronica guerin

I don't know exactly when this speech was delivered, but in the same year, 1996, she
was shot to death somewhere outside Dublin.