Unfortunately I have no elegant solution, just switch the user into root an everything fine.
Marhaban ya Ramadan!
Demi Tuhan, Bangsa dan Val Gardena
Unfortunately I have no elegant solution, just switch the user into root an everything fine.
Label: komputer
This connection behaviour made me mad, smile until laugh. DUP, unreacheable, fortunately there's no hardware error message, just firmware error restarting...
Actually the speed is quite good, but the reliability is really bad, inevitable characteristic of wireless connection. But the strangest amid all of these mess is my acceptance of all this mess.
There was a big problem with channel standards. Laptop s which are complied to FCC or IDA can not be connected to channel higher than 11, just like mine. Therefore when the access point was set to 12 or even 13 I had to complaint to the administrator. Fortunately they could understand this problem.
Written in intermittent connection . ___..._.
Label: bahasa, internasional, pertiwi
Kabar indah ditengah keterpurukan bangsa ini. Biarlah kompas yang bercerita.
Bagaimana menularkannya ke kampung-kampung nelayan lainnya?
Menurut cerita saudara sebenarnya pendapatan nelayan itu besar. Sayang mereka tidak mengatur penghasilan dengan baik.
Sedikit cerita tentang nelayan pantai utara Jawa. Laut Jawa sudah overfishing, sehingga kemungkinan kapal-kapal Bendar ini memburu Samudra Indonesia dan menjual tangkapannya di pantai selatan Jawa. Hasil tangkapan selalu dijual di pelabuhan terdekat. Nah ini menimbulkan masalah lagi, mengingat terjadi kecemburuan antara nelayan pantai selatan Jawa dengan nelayan utara yang cuma mampir menjual ikan ini dan jauh berpengalaman dengan peralatan lebih canggih. Keseimbangan pasar terganggu, dan akhirnya terjadi konflik. Katanya pernah ada kejadian pembakaran beberapa kapal milik nelayan pantai utara di Prigi Trenggalek, padahal pantai ini telah menjadi pelabuhan ikan nasional. Regulasi pemerintah harus bisa mengakomodasi ini. Tapi perlukah ada pemerintah, ketika pejabat departemen kelautan dan perikanan saja heran ternyata ada kampung nelayan maju seperti Bendar? Tahu apa sih pemerintah, buat apa sih pemerintah?
Label: pertiwi
Label: pencilan
Label: pertiwi
Tak sengaja menemukan software ini di creditnya website itb, namanya processing. Keren juga, eh keren banget ding. Lihat aja di bagian exibitionnya, terus ikuti linknya..hmmm.
Sepertinya bakal jadi software grafik yang "gue banget" buat yang suka coding. Hebat juga java ini..salut
Instalasinya agak tricky di Linux, masalah dengan jikes-nya. Jikes bawaan si processing mungkin tidak cocok dengan sistem Linux yang ada(libstdc++ something), jadi install aja jikes buat distribusi Linux saudara, setelah itu buat symbolic link(dicopy juga bisa sih) ke jikes yg ada di /bin atau /usr/bin di folder yg sama dengan jikes bawaan processing, hapus/rename dulu jikes yg lama.
walah, sibuk-sibuk malah utak-atik hal yg gak-gak...
Really surprised while reading an email this morning, moving computation task on GPU instead of using CPU. Last year I was really surprised knowing graphic cards memory usage for virtual memory, I imagined how fast it would be. And today they moved further, move computational task on parallel GPU.
You can see there are four graphics cards installed, with 2 GPU each, so it has 8 GPU. Quite interesting technique, considering GPU has more processor register than CPU, since many years ago there are GPU with 128 bit processors, meanwhile CPU has just moved to 64 bit. GPU is not a multi purpose processor, so it is easier to design a sophisticated one.
Thanks for PCIexpress technology that makes multiple graphic cards installation possible. In AGP age it was truly impossible since AGP is only allowed single card installed.
Eventhough they said it is an affordable supercomputer, it is quite expensive, $6000, but in the next two years eventually it will be affordable. Would it be a big threat for sgi? No, I don't think so, SGI still provide far more reliable devices. Anyhow this Fastra computer was build upon consumer class devices, but maybe it is suitable for particular works that do not require strict reliability feature.
Further information: http://fastra.ua.ac.be
Picture is courtesy of the owner.
Label: profil
Label: pertiwi